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Look, whispered : you know how little the dark lines of God ? , relationresultAlmost like him . See Longfei indissoluble, Li City pointed wulie .relationresultLongfeisurprise: so rare? ,www.headphones-fashion.com, relationresultLi Chengwith a laugh : although not reach him, but almost, hehe ,so to speak ,one million God ,can appear a has been pretty good .
, relationresultDark is the exclusion of all God Godhead ,including dark lines Godhead ,want promotion ,there is only one way ,rely on their breakthrough . , relationresultLuo Bing,a dark line is God ,but she drains South Feng nine people to use, it is dark Department law .
relationresultI have listened to the teacher said ,dark lines though God could not any deity but dark ,fusion ,but God can swallow the power of the three gods ,the divine nature be nothing difficult ,even is the God ,the king power, can gobble up .
, relationresultLi Chengrefers to God : take this mask - mask ,though I don ,sisters there are what ,but I want to ,and about the god-king cover . , relationresultHey ,with dark lines the laws of God ,devour the god-king cover .
, relationresultLongfeiOh sound ,but have a superficial knowledge of the heart .relationresultLuo Luo ice and snow ,very strong . Suddenly I Wulie road .relationresultWuliedid not speak much ,but he never say nonsense ,and for other people evaluation ,usually only two ,strong or weak ,of course, can be him as a strong man ,strength no worse .
relationresultLi Chengrubbed his forehead : Yeah ,really strong ,Luo ice master at least thirty dark department rules ,and the Luo snow as her sister ,but the rule number ,also in twenty kinds of above .
, relationresultHow doyou know .Fei and Wulie Qi road .relationresultMy strength is not how, but I ,hey ,can a glance through each other . Li Cheng pointed his eyes ,a smile .relationresultLongfeistartled, asked : natural ability ? , relationresultLi Cheng shook his head: I don anyway, regardless of the opponent strength was higher or lower than me ,I can look through .
, relationresultYes,I am. Wulie road .relationresultYou ,a rule do not have strong body ,more than the God ,but you obviously haven the standard of the god-king . , relationresultFeialso asked : what about me? , relationresultLi Chenghey hey laugh : the life of God ,earth God ,the God of wind ,a total of thirteen kinds of element law master ,strength of the upper God ,can count medium .
, relationresultLongfeibe Agape and tongue-tied ,even unable to speak .relationresultThinking of this boy,has a pair of eyes of god !relationresultLi Cheng smalltrack: dark lines of God double-edged sword ,so we must be careful ,not because of a little crystal currency ,the small life all take to the inside .
, relationresultLongfeinodded : this natural . , relationresultMind thetaste of Li Cheng, Longfei hand but can by in the eight trigrams furnace top .relationresultIndeed,Longfei in dragon continent is fully deserve the first genius ,but to the man of God everywhere run in the spirit world ,his genius halo suddenly disappeared was not the least trace was found .
relationresultTheGod of this medium ,assessment is accurate ... ... , relationresultHowever,there is one thing Li Cheng eye can see through ,that is Longfei wrist tattoos ,eight trigrams furnace !relationresultThe twenty-seventh chapter of the earth , relationresultLuo Bingroom is put on the table with a crystal ball ,the ball in the mirror image ,it is collect snow every act and every move .
relationresultLuo Bing watched theLuo snow has been sneered ,her thoughts followed over ten years ago .relationresultThe Diabloseries God is extremely rare ,but the house has a nobody to know the secret ,almost every generation, there will be one or two dark lines can become God .
relationresultAsurface of the main ,seven god-king ,only a dark god ,as it happens, the Dark Lord surname Luo ,on the origins ,and Luo ice they still fellow .relationresultLuo Bingis a comprehension of ten elements on the strength of the law of God, he is not possible when God is a master ,he can host ,is affected by the dark god that side effects .
relationresultThe Diabloseries God is extremely rare ,and the other is compared ,dark lines don any deity ,including own dark lines ,but the system has a natural ability, phagocytosis .
relationresultCan swallow upall power, and converted into the dark power .relationresultOn the speed,dark lines of God than other lines cut quickly ,because just give them enough Godhead ,they can be swallowed by the assimilation ,rapid promotion !relationresultLuo Bing andLuo Xue also promoted as dark lines and at the same time the dark god ,is God vertex ,become the dark god !relationresultHowever,two of them without exception to stop in the dark god realm ,for ten thousand years .
relationresultRegardless of how theyengulfed assimilation ,how to realize the elements of law ,can let the rank in a layer of ,become the king !relationresultLuo BingRowe snow are romance Jiaqian once-in-a-century genius ,stop the God realm ,they can be reconciled ?relationresultCannot break through,distressed for over ten thousand years ,until ten years ago, the two sisters to see hope .
relationresultSuperiordark God King came under the decree, to choose one of two sisters ,to become his disciples .relationresultThe news is thatthe two sisters father was shocked ,the king himself made a decree ,that is a few million years never happened ,can say ,the two sisters regardless of who was to become the dark God King disciple ,there ,she will become God !Even ,become big God nor not possible .
relationresultCitymain although holds the God but and superior of the god-king ,apparently not compare ,because he knows ,some sisters have become dark God King disciple ,then his family will jump up ,3 from the family way up !relationresultThe darkgod the king sent brought a god-king cover ,two sisters ,let inside trials ,every ten years for a period ,no matter who ,as long as we can out of Lord hood ,soon to become his disciples .
relationresultAndthe two sisters to each other ,everybody wants to be the dark God King to advanced - cover ,two sisters had also strike violently .relationresultFinally Luo Bingwin, won the first test qualification .
relationresultThe god-kingcover the artifact is very strange ,in one of those who can not come out ,also not to attack outside outside ,but people can attack to the inside of the people .
relationresultTen years ago,Luo Bing depend on yourself. Black Yiu body ,it will break the god-king cover ,but that at this time ,Luo snow suddenly shot attack, Luo Bing ten years of effort into nothingness .
relationresultBecause ofthis, Luo Luo snow ice doesn ?relationresultLuoice test failed, from Luo snow in the first day, Luo ice will never stop to Luo Snow .relationresultFor example,lost in one or two men ,to disrupt the Luo snow etc.
... ... , relationresultThe two sistersand as a different lower dark god ,their phagocytic targets are limited ,phagocytosis and female God will increase ,phagocytizing male god ,will power reduction .
relationresultKage lo ,there are ten days and ten days ,turn me on ,Luo snow ,my good sister ,this time you won in trouble ,I won let you live from the god-king cover out of the ! , relationresultMiss, miss no good .
.. ... , relationresultInhis place ,ice think laugh when covered with confusion ,silver from outside came in .relationresultWhatrelationresult adults ,adults in the garden was killed ! , relationresultLuo Bing leaneddown ,turned into a black ,out the door .
.. ... , relationresultAfter the garden,the god-king cover .relationresultCity,white-haired master open pairs of big eyes lying on the ground ,on his chest ,they have a big hole ,it was someone with a fist, students play out . Related articles:

