
monster beats soul I trusted!Con

The offense put~to death to kill.Obviously, demon Ba sky the mood at this time is quite good, sees him a dynasty seductive demon AN ordered to nod:
"Past of no postmortems, however you must of one heart and mind assist me hereafter unified fix true boundary!"Hear this sentence, seductive demon AN is immediately wreathed in smiles, originally think even if is being deathless will also drop 1 F skin, who know demon Ba the sky didn't handle himself/herself and hurriedly thanked humbly a way:
"Thank my emperor, belong to next settle be whole heartedly assist!"
"Like, all need not Be getting more polite, we are family, all get up hereafter, introduce myself bottom first!"Looking at in the moment several people, the real strenght returns to calculate to unwillingly make sense, all of this are oneselfs in the future unify the main force strength of fixing the true boundary, start to remember the war of the humiliation few ten thousand years ago, if isn't finally several big religious sects to cooperate to deploy to put out a fairy, the who's the winner also really doesn't know and think of mankind of mean, demon Ba the sky be then very anxious to to then can unify to fix true boundary at this time."Belong to the declination male, demon Zhong earthquake the parties spread fairy."
"Belong to demon day, demon Zhong Zhang disciple."
"Belong to demon Peng······"
"Belong to demon fox······"
"······"Need clinging introduction of several people over after, demon Ba the sky satisfiedly ordered to nod, the clear voice said:
"Like, demon day, you would fix first now answering of true boundary a circumstance to say with me."
"Fix true boundary ten front door parties great strength, among them, so-called proper way five front door partieses one by one in order believe in for unreal door, the universe door, cold frost temple, green chain and recently just just successful in career Xuan door in the sky, but heresy have no five send then evil very door, hell temple,monster beats, the sorcery resides island, ghost to believe in with I demon Zhong."
"E?The Xuan door in the sky unexpectedly still at?It is interesting, continue to say."The demon Ba sky seems to be as thinking of what matter while hearing Xuan a door for sky, the Rao has ordering of interest to nod.
"Although the proper way has five front door partieses, however is like cold frost temple, the universe door and green chain to believe in have already been getting more exist in name only, last month this fixed a true boundary a rare strong claimed to be to concuss an evil sky of to, under his Yin Wei, only used five days and then unified heresy five parties, certainly, a lot of groups were just compelled by circumstanceses, temporarily Be bent to it , under his leadership, corrected to gather five to sent to allly spread fairy under the knee strong to proper way five delivered to move raid, was almost exhaustedlike this like cold frost temple and green chain to believe in the group that the fairy garrisons to almost and all send death and harm almost exhausted without spreading.The universe door now also about, proper way five partieses truely have real strenght of be still unreal door and the Xuan door in the sky, there is 2 in the unreal door spread fairy, an among those spent more to rob for 59 days, Xuan door real strenght in the sky also allows of no small see, there is 4 spreading fairy to garrison."
The day of demon is saying eager, demon Ba sky some impatiently interrupted him, said that that concusses an evil sky of.In the eyes of demon Ba sky, seem to be basically have never spread those the fairy put in the eye, he is more interested in of but is that to only used five days and then unified heresy five parties of super strong concuss an evil sky of.See bewitching Ba the sky interrupt himself/herself, day of demon one face polite of continue to start to introduce to concuss an evil sky of again.
"Concussing the evil sky of is was horizontal to vacate this to fix true boundary now few months ago, concrete identity no one can say clearly, the this person real strenght is absolutely violent, wanted my demon Zhong to accept defeat while arriving at my demon Zhong at that time, my parties spread the fairy Qing male elder generation to left for countercheck, but only a round·····"The day of demon says at this time and tooks a look foolish Qing male in one side, the Qing male seems to appreciate absolute being will of stood out, politely say to the demon Ba sky:
"At concuss an evil sky of hand in, I only walked a recruit and then hurt!He is really too strong, probably at this whole fix true boundary, only the host are his opponent."At this time, day of demon to think of what affair general, quickly to demon Ba the sky say:
"Concussed evil sky of to send an elite troops to go to wild forest half month earlier, seemed to look for what treasure thing."
"?Is there this matter?Like, these you need not took care of, demon day, I orderany you as demon now president Zhong get, on the first inside, you must give me integration all bewitching Zhong battalions!"Finish saying this sentence, then see the bewitching body of Ba sky uncannily disappeared, after, a short moment's the voice of a male Ba world from in out of the sky spread to come over.
"Fix true boundary, I came back!Those early years didn't exert of wish, this wants one by one and holds in hand!"
(Today the first more, before 7:00 p.m. still have a more)

Chapter 103 begs again to help
Is evil very big hall inside the palace in the door, sees one person all over cover with in the Mo black fog to annoy in at will sit at Gao Gao of Long Yi on, raise hand to lift it suffices to show all take to ruin the energy that the sky puts out ground, however see not pure its noodles permitting.
"Evil night, I have already given your biggest right, the elite of five front door partieses is all got generally by you, half year inside you if can not put out proper way five partieses, hum!You lift the head of own person to see me!"
Start to remember to concuss half month earlier evil sky of while arriving, just with once the hand flick, the oneself next Xin, a Chinese family name hard bitterness development in door comes out of excellent pupil, all unexpectedly at he that waves hand see all fly to annihilate, while the town send Zu teacher only the Gong left for to resist, didn't the slightest strike back of the dint be fought down, this real strenght that concusses an evil sky of too terrible.The evil night should be isn't afraid of the person of dead, but, he doesn't think as well evil very the property in door ten thousand years be ruined in the he's hand, only drag out a shameful existence of live the knee of concussing the evil sky of under.
"E?Very strong breathing!E, unexpectedly does the direction spread from the demon Zhong?"At demon emperor when the heavy province release the vehemence of a male Ba world far at evil very evil sky of Sou in the concussing of door of then stood all of a sudden.This vehemence is good enough to match with him, he has to value.
"Evil night, demon Zhong of a stem person to where go to?Why does 1 disappear!"Concussed evil sky of taste to quickly get down noodles to sweep for a while, still don't discover an elite of bewitching Zhong, the facial expression could not help sinking down, harsh voice drink a way to the evil night.
"The he, he and they say that the bewitching Zhong has an important affair to want a processing, hence didn't come······"The voice shivering hasn't finished saying, abrupt however be interrupted, the morrow then hears 1 of "Peng" and need the public reaction comes over, but sees evil night inclined to lie on the ground, the hands tight Wu wears a chest, mouth in but is to continuously and wildly vomit a blood, whole body continuously have muscular spasms.
"Discard!"Ring if the voice that deep-fries a thunder sort continuously goes back and forth in the public ear.Is public is also scared, this real strenght that concusses an evil sky of is really too violent, miss oneself fixs true boundary to also have here a place, unexpectedly connect how he begin of can not see.
"Evil night, you don't pretend to be dead over there, either, if I want to kill you than strangle to death an ant still simple, went to demon Zhong at once that place to check for me to clearly exactly take place what matter!"Close behind sees concuss an evil sky of on jilting a hand, again inclined sit at Long Yi on, in the mind but is wondering a way:
"See come to this fixs true boundary to still exist strong, don't go, I still have to request some supports and anyway also want to complete a task this time!"One eye that was cool detachment to see an underneath several people see all people all lower the head not to dare to talk and concuss an evil sky of harsh voice drink a way:
"The sorcery is crazy, look for the matter of treasure to arrange of how?"The business that concusses evil sky of bottom boundary's most this time woulds be to need to seek that legendary will demolish the youth of God's way, strangle it secondly would is to fix true purple Aeolian sword of one of boundary three major sky of treasures in the middle of sprouting, according to above say, this handle sword but absolute being sword, even if also combine to not much see in the fairyland.
"Report back for a sky, , it has been a sky since I made, soul takes the elite of each parties to go to wild forest, believed to have a result very quickly."A hear concuss an evil sky of speaking of his/her own name, the sorcery crazy body involuntarily cringes for a while and hurriedly stands out to politely say towards concussing an evil sky of, however see the appearance concussing evil sky of to seem to be very satisfied to his answer.
"Boon, has a sky soul I trusted!"Concuss an evil sky of is also the record of events of the soul that listens to through sky, all ages, the admiration of the extraordinary superior to the brave, this concusses an evil sky of is among them of one member, make a firm decision and find out for a sky, soul makes it become his/her own under charge, however its means a bit mean, is coerce its younger sister just like what oneself expected.
"Like, you back first bottom, occupy me will order yours."
Treat public stay back, concuss an evil sky of to a person alone arrive at evil very the rear garden of door, and issued order to back all attendants, need an assurance the nobody is on all sides after, sees a his left hand right hand continuously to swing, work properly in the cloth, the air on all sides quickly coagulates liquefaction, gradually thick gradually dense, very quickly a water pail sort is thick to thinly work properly a cloth, however this is a bit weird, as if tilt to one side but under of waterfalls sort, always upwards connect bucket arrive horizon, however more go toward apply color more thin, but Related articles:

