
beats by dre studio demon is three Wang

The monk in middle arrived to can not hold up against, was directly lively died for earthquake by the living. And Wang Zhen is also big full head sweat, seem the true dollar inside the body consumed too many general. But this time he only the persistence live, sees his double once the lips move, that future constellation the big method king received order generally, facing treasure light Buddha the mother arrest but go. In fact seven Yans are old evil to speak amiss, Wang Zhen didn't°yet this future constellation the big method king completely refine ownly and 2 dollars absolute being, because already Wang Zhen fix at present for, can not let the machine of stars diagram in the week sky work properly to match with own cent soul two to an at all. Treasure light Buddha the mother also frightened to disgrace at this time, the monk that he don't thought of that a dollar baby expects at all unexpectedly has so big magical power. Can Wang Zhen can't give her some opportunity of, the constellation that see future big method king and week sky stars diagram together and together to treasure light the Buddha mother's attack, what to beat is that the sky faint a ground of dark, the sun and moon has no light. Opportunity to capture, in the future constellation big method king, direct treasure light Buddha mother to pull go into get to stars in the week sky, asked for help of the Wei of working properly the treasure, wanted to read that absolute being to live a chain to turn. See Wang Zhen soon end to fight, Gao Yi Xin reads a to move, the ghost of 3 dollars Yin Cha in the body is evil moment with actually turn falsely, from its body inside disappear to be missing. Eight pole the small snake turned by Long Mang also accept the order of high righteousness and silently have no drilling of an interest to go into the earth inside. (I day, the homework basically hasn't done, tomorrow hand over.Presumably today only have a more.)The chapter 46 west sea Ba lord inhales a treasure only the Buddha mother's stars diagram in the week sky in, in the sky violent vacillating, endless seven colourful treasure light from explode to shoot among them but, shining on of the whole of sky of gorgeous and matchless. Seem week sky stars diagram although treasure light Buddha mother to absorb to arrive among them, haven't thoroughly tied up her. "~~~~You unexpectedly settle I next person, gave to live a chain to turn, I musted make you don't die a natural death."Sees a general gold color of a shelled peanut grain directly rush out a stars diagram outside in week sky. The treasure light Buddha mother's voice also from spread out among them. "Lost a meat body, just read your absolute being to deposit at this Buddhist relics on, do you think that what capital you still have now to fight each other with me?"Wang Zhen Leng hums one to say and orderanies later on stars diagram in the week sky to take everything away toward that Buddhist relics. "There is no meat body, I seek one be.Yi?That person's meat body how so strong, if not that I the situation that the eye self-discipline in sky arrived to greatly become, even also see the eye of walking."Treasure light Buddha the mother see after Gao Yi, secretly secretly pleased in the heart, live abroad the gold color Buddhist relics drop of place to slip away a to turn, unexpectedly disappear without basis. Descend a moment to unexpectedly appear Gao Yi's top of head on, a Shan namely has no of gets into knowing of high righteousness sea in. Originally high righteousness' knowing sea is all that the one ash is dark, only the ground of stone tablet place just has golden light to project. But once that Buddhist relics get into the sea of Gao Yi Shi, break out ten thousand Zhang golden lights, want to hurtle the absolute being soul of high righteousness to directly spread. "Gao boy is free!"Wang Zhen spreads a sound to come over to ask a way. "Nothing!The my free way deals with her, Wang Lao tidies up these people first all, then protects a method for me."Gao Yi directly flies to Wang Zhen nearby, later on Wang Zhen once stars figure in the week sky pull, Du Peng and those knot the monks that the Dan expects all the income was among them. But Gao Yi then sit with the legs crossed and shut eyes into to ownly know sea in. "You this call heaven have road you don't walk, hell have no the door intrude into, ha ha, treasure light Buddha mother, this absolute being of yours reads to chop in two for I doing trousseau, you in the layout of the Xuan mainland in sky also all willing thoroughly of drive I with that Buddhist relicses all."The dollar absolute being of the high righteousness sits on the stone tablet on. And the ghost of 3 dollars Yin Cha is evil will also already drive Gao Yi Diao come back, continuously of round to make track for to block up a piece to that Buddhist relics. "You think with this how many little soldiers small compromise an ability to subdue I?You despised me too much, although my Buddha is mercy,as well have big dignity, greatly cut up rough!" This words are a , immediately a light flame flew out from the gold color the Buddhist relics. The ghost is evil to seem to be really to fear these flames, directly escape into unreal, disappear to be missing. "The fire of industry dint?This is the fire of legendary Buddhism industry dint, can burn everything.However the fire of this industry dint seems to have no legendary power so big, may be hesitant only treasure light Buddha the mother's absolute being reads of relation."Gao Yi secretly thoughts of. "Boy, you still have what move quickly display out, otherwise wait I to destroy your absolute being soul, you had no situation that a silk resists,Ha ha ha ha!"Fire and gold color Buddhist relics of industry dint directly makes a pounce upon the place of Gao Yi's place. Gao Yi doesn't know as well why embrace to have tremendous confidence to the stone tablet, because the words said by that giant in have 1:Alone turn to fight nine skies, cut a fairy Buddha, lead various strong. Connect for nine days on of the fairy Buddhas can cut to put out, besides does this absolute being read. Don't know as well whether be subjected to breathing of the Buddhism influence, stone tablet unexpectedly the beginning like forty shivered.Numerous gold color light Xias directly swept to go out. Midway meet the fire of those industry dint, basically have never received baffling general penetrated in the past, the direct shot beat a Buddhist relics at the gold color on. But close behind gold color the silk thread lived the gold color Buddhist relics package. Gao Yi Zhi hears treasure light a Buddha mother's one bellow, the fire of those industry dint disappears to be missing, and leaves that dreary Buddhist relics. But once the Gao Yi's then big hand grasp, direct turn the Buddhist relics into center of palm,beats by dre studio. "There is this Buddhist relics, my gold the wise powerful ruler Jue self-discipline just arrived the tallest layered and then wased not problem, my body and fairy devil Buddha was four magical powers, didn't know that day and rob exactly hereafter will have much big ah." Just for an instant, Gao Yi is awake to come over.Then Wang Zhen Wei, who look the other way, is tiny a say with smile: "The that treasure light Buddha mother wants to occupy my body, but drive I the direct chain turned.This time run into this time mishap is also what I didn't thought of, see to this Xuan mainland really need to change a sky, Wang Lao also wants to hold firmly self-discipline, again next rains and winds in just have enough real strenght self-preservation, even divide him one cup thick soup.""Is quite good, only the self-preservation is still not enough, have to divide one cup thick soup, otherwise your boy can't spends like this big idea, either, the fairy that wants unification, this Xuan mainland the evil demon is three."Wang Zhen lightly says with smile. However Wang Zhen pours is don't guess right Gao Yi why be building up an original intention of super influence, Gao Yi just thinks that the destiny that can control himself/herself and heart lover is just. But all these also need not explain for Wang Zhen what: "Wang Lao trusts, if the whole day Xuan mainland all at our rule under, Wang Lao flies to rise to work properly boundaries all and have very greatly may, I will transfer all resourceses to help Wang Lao to fly something to rise when the time comes.""You had this me to also trust."Wang Zhen nods to say …… but say that Liu Bin takes a stem the knot Dan expect of monk, first is true Xuan continent, thou the hole Xuan of dust continent two continents door, the dollar of the sand evil religion baby monk to lead go into after coming to polish off, then start a big moldBig kind of direct take the offensive these two groups, loot the whole valuableses that 2 stores, ignore a Dan medicine, Mi book, work properly a stone, still magic weapon, work properly medicine etc.s all a sweep but get empty. Under the concealment place decoration after the transmission, Liu Bin takes person's secret to go to cold continent again and waits to match with remitting of high righteousness. Arrange a good location in the before the event, and secret password, Gao Yi and persons, such as Wang Zhen and Liu Bin...etc.s after remitting match have no to the slightest hesitate to directly hurtle into small very inside the temple start big four loot. The small pole temple is basically whole is female monk, but the roughnecks of Gao Yi's under charge basically have no viewpoint that a silk tenderness toward woman, will those female monk'bounty'after, directly display to turn the most evil achievement other people the true dollar gobble up but get empty. Looking at an in total disorder small pole temple of one temple in, Gao Yi very of satisfaction, these people's end is as early as they have to they greed destine. These three top-grade Zong Men's wealth and propertieses constantly and continuously pass a transmission the big comfortable evil religion that is carried back to blaze continent very much. As for cold continent, true Xuan continent, thou dust continent these three continents only have those large mineral and worthy place, Gao Yi just left some pupils to watch, and also set out a transmission over there. For the mineral, the treatment of pupil inside the door of Gao Yi Gei BE, you mine how much, needs to hand over half to believe in a door, rest of consider as is the guerdon that believes in a door to you, aggressive like this and biggest brought up the pupil in the door, also helped them to fix for of promote. Although the ground of those top-grade Zong Men's places, the spiritual influence is abundant,own to in great quantities work properly a stone, Dan medicine and turn the disciple of the big comfortable evil religion of the most evil achievement, that spiritual influence of how much already not calculate what. From that time on big comfortable evil reputation religion far sows, with an of dint, occupy exactly five continents, become Related articles:

