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White ,Xiao Hua is still a mu Buji in fog and brother Bollinger fighting .But in the meantime .A system prompt is interrupted Xiao Hua focus !relationresultThe system prompts:today at eighteen PM ,the black fog weather is approaching ,please black fog city wild game player as soon as possible to avoid !relationresultThe black fog weather .
What is this stuff ? Xiao Hua listened to the heart in a surprised ,the black fog weather is actually let the system sends out warning .It for caution .relationresultButthe black mist to six at night will come .
Now it is six in the morning ,from here to the black fog city ,only needs two hours .Although Xiao Hua be vigilant .It also does not want too early to wait for the waste of time .relationresultDo not stopat brother Bollinger refresh point to practise to twelve noon ,Xiao Hua think it .
He stopped the hand ,exhaled a Chocobo toward the black fog city running back .The time to go back ,back to the city and four hours to prepare .Even if there is any accident,beats by dre pro, but also have enough time to prepare .
relationresultSit ona mount, Xiao Hua boring ,not by the under the black fog weather played a great curiosity .The system prompts to escape due to the game player to guess .relationresultThus,the heart , relationresultNot theblack fog weather will be like the reality of acid rain weather that caused harm to the human body ?relationresultThe speculationin the Xiao Hua brain appears .
Xiao Hua found it may be so ,but that should not be so simple ,otherwise the system will give warning to take the matter seriously .Moment ,black fog like rain like that ,you will have several negative state !relationresultThink of here,Xiao Hua not be worried ,maybe he should have returned to the city ,how is it right? Playing hide in the closed room can be evaded the Black Mist ,while in his memory .
Black fog city closed room and not much .It is between 10 !Some places have enough space to escape, but , relationresultHope and position ! Although Xiao Hua is worried, but he didn back too late .
Usually in black fog city to see the game player amount ,plus a largely left people received the reward task left the black fog city ,what should not be here soon no position !But this is only a game ,moving velocity has a maximum value ,even if his little space ,speed does not become ,also on mount under the heart to the black fog city running back .
relationresultXiaoHua changed the previous habits ,this simply is the direct use of Chocobo racing to see the black fog city place to the mount sneak past .In more than 10 minutes faster than expected back to black fog city !relationresultRunning all the wayinto the black fog city ,Xiao Hua is in the street didn a game player ,even with do not know where to hide ,Xiao Hua felt he might really be guessed ,hastily to find a free location of the house .
relationresultIn memory ofgate house ,probably on ten .Xiao Huazhao with recent a drug store ran past, didn long ,but to see several game player from the opposite side of hurried toward another direction to run past .
That way ,if Xiao Hua didn remember ,is the location of the armor shop !relationresult%,million , relationresultTo see this,Xiao Hua is not raised a wave is too wonderful feeling !Not so ridiculous ,time is so early in the morning, and the house is full of people ?relationresultThedrug store run past .
He saw was opening the door of the shop door tightly closed ,want to push the door, it is system Tip: this room has no space, please go to the second shelter !relationresult! Xiao Hua looked ,lipstick couldn curse .
Normal in the city, once the game player blocking event, there is a city guard to maintain order ,but now the system is given the abnormal tips .It even no experience .Xiao Hua also know what I really was and he wants not much difference between the .
The black mist is needed in the room to avoid !relationresultNo way,Xiao Hua had to turn away ,to look for other hiding place .But the next hour ,Xiao Hua searched the black fog city 10 a hiding place ,just did not find an empty house !relationresultBut nota man so shaw .
There are a number of streets ,and Xiao Hua can the game player .Helpless docked in the streets, although is to hold one ,but Xiao Hua felt that their depression .relationresultBrothers ,the black fog weather is how going on ? , relationresultThisrating is not low, looked that is not new, but may be too far from the city ,come back ,and then left without shelter from this predicament .
Xiao Hua walked past .In the midst of A .Assassin side squat down and asked ,trying to figure out this black fog weather what ,to see if there is no coping approach .relationresultUh ,are you new here ?.
relationresultHa-ha.A few days ago . , relationresultHey hey ,you also really is not good luck !The black fog weather is the black fog city regional special weather ,it was said that the black fog city of the origin of the name ,but I don this ghost thing .
This damned weather but will let the monster go berserk state ,attribute jumps three times ,one and all ,badly .The assassin gnash the teeth in anger and said .relationresultIs that all? .
relationresultOf coursenot .At night, when the Black Mist falls, the monster will start on the black fog city siege !Black fog city become the city ruins ,it is because these monsters attack !The only escape is hiding in the house, not to be trampled to prayer house monster collapse ,or the like .
The assassin was said with resignation .relationresultItis a monster of siege ,or three times the attributes of the monsters ,Xiao Hua can speechless .relationresultmonster siege ,can in the field from the field ,there is always a place is not the monster ?.
Xiao Hua wants to say .relationresultNowhere ,last time I was dead .The Black Mist falls, field will refresh the monster ,almost no place is not a monster !But every monster hate range will increase greatly ,there is almost no alone against a monster ,I that day was a group of monsters under siege ,not a few times to hang .
Assassin grimace in pain ,a little past cannot bear to think of the past .relationresultWhy don underground arena ,look for the shadow with the carcass .Begged them to let us in ! Assassins around another .
Game player suddenly suggested .relationresultThey will promise ?The last time we were not rejected ? The assassin frowned .relationresultI remember the last time our shadow refused reasons ,we are all experienced the first black fog weather .
It won .This time we have not experienced the first black mist, he maybe will let us go away .relationresult,we went to have a look .Better than here and wait for death ! Assassin not by the spirits .
relationresultSecondmore !Thank you for powder classmates play tour support ,as the first chief of the book !relationresultThe 146th chapter slaughter .relationresult, discussed in bi .
Ma Bu standing up toward the black fog suburban run too Tu freak ?Shadow ?The underground arena ?relationresultRatio., ,relationresultXiao Hua puzzled,followed a run .relationresultThe butcher who is crazy and shadow ? Ran .
Xiao Hua asked .relationresultThe two of them ?The big black mist !Two people are in two only guild madman .And Qisha wolf .The president is in the city ,you stay a little longer knew they had a powerful ! Assassin face said worship .
relationresultBrother, are you new here ,or forget, do not waste energy ,underground arena by the shadow and the Tu freak hands, according to the rules, you are not in the underground arena ! See Xiao Hua is also going to follow the Last Assassin ,export to discourage road . Related articles:

