
beats by dre pro nd leaves still an o

Prepared feeling.―― My elder brother comes back together with cherry well this time ……they were already formal rightnesses now.Thousand leaves, I of so want to tell you, is also hope, you didn't want to embrace to fantasize to him again."
He finishes saying, see thousand leaves still an on every occasion the side body is silent, hence to left walk 2, turn to right away see over against thousand leaves' places a tears just from roll to drop down in her right cheeks.17 in the last yearses, he seemed to be never to once see the tears of so big drop, unavoidably felt some that touching eyes is shocking.He thinks that that probably be three in the last yearses accumulate to gather in thousand leaf heart bottoms of have relation with his elder brother of suffer a defeat having of feeling to turn now ……
Although he is completely genius, temporarily also not from some frighten into inaction:"Thousand leaves, you ……"
Thousand leaves stretch out the tear stain that the back of the hand wiped out cheeks.She thinks that she is really failure, regardless is first love, still the in love of real meaning for the first time, all come to an end by whole line failure ……
Although in that time, she guessed unclearly to is also the cherry well of the genius fine son, is many life companions that the farmland letters want,want till today, she just profoundly realizes, she really truely and just accepts this fact from the in the mind and really needs very big courage.
She thinks that she to living request excessively?She just likes to be a female who independently self-renewals, think the person whom oneself likes can't leave himself/herself, think with him together happiness happily lead this whole life ……wishes like this, really and too extravagant?
That time, she basically didn't change many greeds that the farmlands believe, all the starting points of the behavior, also however hope that his ability is sooner a little bit happy and brighter.Said again, she didn't also reform the self-confidence of genius ……certainly, many farmlands believing probably doesn't think so, he probably has been feeling that she is very vexed, so, would the no time for waiting ground study abroad in the United States ……
Now, he and the cherry well was formal 1 rightness ……although early know she isn't likely to have with many farmlands believe already future, suddenly the younger brother who become intimate with most from he there get a confirmation, or will make her feel and seem and have a kind of pain that tores heart crack lung at she the heart spread.And meanwhile, ego negation also with ratio at ordinary times become quickly 100 up to thousand speeds offend city Duo Zhai in her spirit realm, continuously gobble up is originally occupied by self-confidence of tottering space.
Many farmlands are handsome to know that she is very suffered at this time, he doesn't know how to comfort her as well.But the reason he will decide to tell this matter her, is also that he was always all very clear, her in the mind never and truely once let go of many farmland letters of his elder brother.Now, she has been 21 years old, can not carry the burden of that first love again.Certainly, ignore he wanted to help her more, he is unique can make, also just station at part looking at her:See the net that she can struggle one that first love by herself.
Thousand leaves shut eyes, tiny tiny a smile:"That's right, I really early have already prepared feeling, many farmlands will with cherry well together.They were originally made by nature 1 rightnesses ……no matter how it is, I should bless them."
"Thousand leaves frankly speaking, you are to hate my elder brother, also nothing important not to ……after all, he once liked you, but what reason don't also say and then gave up you,beats by dre pro."
"Hate him ……is that still of great value?Not, I don't hate him."Thousand leaves wish, she really doesn't hate many farmland letters.He completely has don't choose she of right ……said again, this for rebuild her of self-confident heart, and then have what help?
Record rather for that two yearses they the morning and night once got along with of time, those was full of miracle and imitated a Buddha ten thousand matters all probably of day ……she thought, even if their this present life had never decreed by destiny to wait upon each other together, those came and went years inside still the Shan wore bare memory, can always also continue to illuminate she the life from now on.
So, though their final outcome, be apart from perfect and very faraway, she still still arranges her to the heaven and many farmland letters meeting be full of to appreciate.
In the evening, thousand leaves return to a home.She went upstairs and walked outside is about to push door into to oneself's room, at this time, Chu-tien fixs at the right moment from his room in come out, saw her.
She smiled to smile:"Fix, you have already come back."
"I early came back.Aren't you only one section lesson this afternoon?How can and so late just come back?"
"Because many farmlands Be handsome to come to seek me, with him chat in a short while."
Afterwards, she and many farmlands Be handsome to return lawn to sit in seat of honor for a long time.Although have no how to talk, however, thousand leaves still keep felling much better while starting to leave eastern big campus.
Although this boy's elder brother gave her life one punch daunt, but, when he sits at her nearby, still will make her feel, she has no and becomes disjointed in the past, and the naturally also had future.
"I once said last time, you were still little together better with him ……you if this continues, will have been wallowing in things of the past inside not ability from pull out."Chu-tien fixs to say.
"Fix, I ……"
"For the genius for going far away, you exactly still have what persist so much?Why not simply forget him?If he sincerely likes you, can't 34 years, always all at enmity with you contact ……that isn't a normal man to like a chemisette method."
Thousand leaves have already pushed away the door of they's room at this time, after throwing schoolbag on the floor of room, she walks in quick time to Chu-tien have a shave front:"You can small voice 1:00 ……want to let my father and aunts all hear?"She is on the shoulder that Chu-tien fixs push for a while, 2 people like this and face to face entered the room that Chu-tien fixs.
Chu-tien after fixing stood firm jilted to open her hand:"How, did I say to win your sad affair?"
"Sad affair …… you also know, that is my sad affair ……" thousand leaves temporarily don't know I should handsome the sad affair getting there from many farmlands today says to let him listen to, of side head, unintentionally saw the song table on the table, hence take, "what is this ?BE your period does the end try?"
Chu-tien fixed to right away and hard-pressedly rob past:"Did not relate to with you."
Thousand leaves are suddenly understand:"Might it not be is the data that selects personal interview?Is an autumn mountain to give yours?"
Chu-tien fixed to turn to open a face:"That's right, is that the autumn mountain senior is hard to fill to mine ……I literally see."
"I have been wanting to ask you, you whether really don't think that the going or staying learns ……fix, don't disobey your own true will.My individual feels that a men at young if don't pursue own ideal, repeatedly say for the sake of a certain woman but stay, sooner or later affirmation will chase disappointed and all strange arrive that woman of in the body ……words like that, she too innocence."
"If I left to come back again for 35 years ……tree, you say, when the time comes, our meeting how?"Chu-tien fixs silent a short moment, suddenly ask.
"Probably I am still becoming difficulties of the road of big lawyer or mental doctor to struggle;Probably I have already had small reputation;If met a suitable person, probably I will marry him ……as for you, probably have already gradually revealed a feet in the international music field;If you also met a suitable person, probably you will get married with her ……in this in this world, what change to all probably take place."
"Meeting can't didn't everyone change?Still keep keeping the status in nowadays?"Chu-tien fixs to sound out ground to ask.
"Can't ……ten thousand matter creations of this in this world, each each time engrave all is changing, have no what things ability fixed and unchangealbe.Seem ……I am handsome from many farmlands today how can anyone know, many farmlands already and the cherry well became formal of a rightness."
"What?Who is "Chu-tien fixs some surprisedly looking at her, " cherry well ?"
"Being my an one-time lower classwoman is also a genius.She knew with many farmlands since the childhood, now, they study abroad in the United States together."
"It is sorry.I don't know ……"Chu-tien fix to really regret at this time, he has never thought, thousand leaves are handsome from many farmlands today how can anyone know matter like this.
"It doesn't matter.I early guess today, so, also having no is too sad ……in fact always, I also not is persist, sometimes, the person wants to forget in the past, all more or less will feel to a little bit lack the ability to do ……"
"Tree, I once said, you would be definitely aller happy than anyones in the future ……certainly, before that, you have to let your own vision cross those genius, super excellent grades to living or student's prince of Related articles:

