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A hole jade .In a Kong Yu body at the same time is abandoned and demon division Kunpeng condensed out of the great palm confrontation ,but with Kong Yu rush toward division of roc .
Kong Yu had never been a person ,have previously been demon division Kunpeng so devastated ,without complaint ,the absolute is a lie .relationresultIn Kong Yuwas full of demon division Kun Peng grievances ,now have ,clock protection ,Kong Yu is naturally do not need to worry about the fall of the dangerous ,so they are ready to avenge the demon division Kun Peng .
Although know oneself and demon division Kunpeng differ too much, however ,clock protection ,Kong Yu is not afraid of anything .relationresultKong Yu holds thebroken sword toward the demon division Kunpeng rushed in ,and see such case ,bewitching spirit division Kunpeng moved, it condensed the huge palm is towards Kong Yu has pursued ,shot a hole again in jade overhead ,the clock ,rumble, and let the hole jade body nearly collapsed ,blood flooded again .
relationresultBut Kong Yuzaois prepared, early is talked about this situation ,so the demon division Kunpeng condensation that huge palm toward their shoot down again ,Kong Yu was in a moment that will all mana pool in the broken sword ,then is shot out towards the demon division of roc .
relationresultContainsall of Kong Yu mana energy toward the demon division shot past Kun Peng ,but in the demon division before Kun Peng, but Kun Peng is demon division with a wave of his hand ,is that a sword scatter .
Kong Yu the blow to the evil Kun Peng is simply no use ,not to the demon division Kun Peng caused little damage .relationresultRapid movement ofyin and Yang siddhi refining energy to restore their own mana Kong Yu see such case is somewhat aghast ,but let him know I Division Kun Peng gap ,if not ,bell ,Kun Peng wants to kill himself demon division ,really like a bad case of ant is so easy .
relationresultJustnow have ,bell ,Kong Yu and don ,although the body again and again to suffer, but Kong Yu is confident heart ,know ,bell under the protection, will not be so easily be demon division Kun Peng killed ,so he now only need to delay time.
,until the demon division Kun Peng mana is depleted, it is the time to strike .relationresultBecause Kong Yu aShura Motong ,Jiuzilong ring with mana ,and left and right hand point .In continuous emission of energy ,so that Kong Yu can let your mana inexhaustible ,but the demon division Kun Peng is not the same ,even the demon division Kun Peng mana than Kong Yugao too much ,but it will always be the depletion of the day .
relationresultSonow Kong Yu wants to do is continue to consume demon division Kun Peng mana ,it bore Yucai can in such a crisis to find a slim chance of survival ,so in their own mana flesh body ,once again restored ,Kong Yu again toward the demon division Kun Peng rush .
relationresultDemon divisionKun Peng looked at some of the hole mouth Jade beyond one ,laugh again and again, Don is ignored Kong Yu ,control the huge palm is towards Kong Yu head ,bell again caught ,leaving demon division Kun Peng don ,he will go in ,bell and Kong Yu complete fusion before ,bell from Kong Yu and stripped down .
relationresultAs a result,two people also in this battle stand up .relationresult , relationresultIn398th chapter of ( in) , relationresultKong Yu wanted touse Kun Peng division of mana, and demon division Kun Peng is to take advantage of ,bell and Kong Yu complete fusion before ,clock hands ,but this two things are not so easy to do ,so the two sides temporarily between is in stalemate situation .
relationresultDemon divisionKun Peng mana is certainly there will be used up one day ,but relative to Kong Yu ,Kun Peng division of mana is inexhaustible ,want in short time demon division Kun Peng mana cost is clean ,that is absolutely impossible ,if you really want to do such a thing ,not hundreds of years effort is certainly not ,and this is Kun Peng division during this time never to supplement their own mana situation, however to demon division Kun Peng big monster ,to replenish mana is not very easy .
relationresultWhile thedemon division Kun Peng wants from Kong Yu will be stripped down ,clock is more not easy .Despite this ,bell and Kong Yu is preliminary together ,but this ,what level of the clock ?Even the initial fusion ,protect Kong Yu was demon division Kunpeng execute is more than sufficient ,to know this ,bell has a name ,it clock ,but and Tai Chi diagram ,Pangu streamers ,are very sweet day of god .
relationresultKun Peng division and control his mana pool out huge palm toward Kong Yu pats ,the space around the constant annihilation ,turned into chaos ,but always failed to kill Kong Yu ,the clock will ,from Kong Yu and stripped down ,this also lets the demon division Kun Peng hearts anxiously up .
relationresultThe innatenature of the clock ,can lead to a lot of people covet ,even world sage also cannot resist the temptation ,clock ,if they are not as soon as possible will ,clock hands ,then wait until drew world sage ,he could get nothing ,so the demon division Kun Peng again.
Teeth, and make good and evil doppelganger action .relationresultCutthree cadaveric sanctification is to own good and evil thoughts and their obsession with cut out ,and every thought is to represent the people of a character ,the character lies in the congenital Lingbao ,makes the innate Lingbao changed its appearance .
Can be said to cut out one ,can also be said to himself ,it is very difficult to say ,can only say that this is a very interesting existence .relationresultKun Peng division of good and evil with evil doppelganger Kun Peng of division of their heart ,is naturally know demon division Kun Peng heart, so in the demon spirit under the Kun Peng of division a ,good and evil doppelganger is action .
Saw the demon division Kun Peng of good and evil doppelganger will their hands slab cast out towards the sky ,and then saw the two flashing light is together .relationresultThestone is river Luoshu ,and fused together into the future is the innate nosy appearance, see a hexagram images appear in the innate nosy ,showing all things past ,present and future changes ,appears incomparably mysterious .
This metaphysical innate nosy .Also exudes a terrifying power fluctuations ,making Kong Yu seen in the innate nosy when, also raised the alert .relationresultCongenitalgossip show all things past ,present and future changes ,nature also is included ,clock ,and from the innate nosy sent forth a light fell in ,clock time,www.cheapbeatsbydrdreheadset.com, turned out to be correct ,bell produced a repressive state ,make ,clock distribution out of mana is actually some slow .
relationresultThis is theinnate nosy power, not only can calculate the universe all changes ,but also will be able to return to the origin of all things in heaven and earth ,return to the initial state ,so that strength minimum .
Or will the universe into the ultimate state ,and then ,it is to go to the end of life .Can say innate nosy such ability is very terrible ,people are simply can not resist .relationresultKong Yu mana than demon division Kunpeng differs a lot, coupled with the clock and ,only preliminary fusion ,so to be able to play out ,the clock is still very small ,such a state, is the innate nosy light irradiation ,is to let Kong Yu feel the danger draws near ,the heart immediately it is tense .
relationresultDemon divisionKunpeng but spells consume large amounts of mana to river Luoshu together ,get this innate nosy map of God ,ready to kill Kong Yu in one fell swoop ,and get Related articles:

