
beats by dre studio hd irl will rob to beg

Is shallow shallow a say with smile:"Easy, have you already forgotten the owner whom I am the Q square night club?Come here mainly be want to study for a while, which the meeting don't know girls in the night club represent more the rules of popular foot."
"Originally Ms. Ma is a Q night club owner of square!Doesn't Su's mama mind?"
Easy hasn't talked, joss-stick X the young lady of the night club but smile to ask.[Bid=the back work properly 》]
Is highest to pack although the night club has no with common night club to compete a relation too directly, can both parties all after all are night clubs, all generally will avoid once getting boundary on one's own initiative of behavior.
Su the wonderful orchid but a face say with smile:"It doesn't matter, Ms. Ma is since the friend of easy president, that is our guest of the joss-stick X night club, and the owner of the easy president and joss-stick X night club stone Ms. Tian is also vegetable know, have no what can not of."
The explanation of Su wonderful orchid just makes the young ladies of the night club of joss-stick Xs all smile, but Ma Hua tiny tiny 1:"Stone Ms. Tian?Which stone Ms. Tian?"
Thought of Ma Hua to also personally participate in the super gambling party of Japan, easy said with smile:"Stone Ms. Tian is the stone farmland spring Nai of Japanese stone farmer clan, gambling party concerning last time, in fact is that I talk with the stone farmland spring Nai to settle at the joss-stick X night club."
"What?Still have this time a matter?"
Surprise for a while, Ma Hua one face emotionally wrought up way:"Ms. Su, treating will record your night club each ten bottles of the most expensive wine to young lady for me, I want to eat poor stone farmland spring Nai that guy."
"How, does Ms. Ma also know stone Ms. Tian?"Su wonderful orchid surprised way.
The doing not know wonderful orchid of Su is pure don't know the business of gambling party, easy says with smile:"Although have no direct association, they really once met in Japan.The debt this time you as usual stick down, then return to a telephone the spring Nai is to the stone farmland, she naturally know what is the row."
"I am getting more understand."
Order, Su wonderful orchid and then say to the young lady who rounds in one side:"Hear have no, Ms. Ma pays today, everybody records ten bottles of the most expensive wine, and everyone still doesn't thank Ms. Ma."
"Thank Ms. Ma."
Although don't know what is the row, joss-stick X the young lady of the night club in addition to is present to outside accompany the guest the person's income is to take care of ~ for oneself, present inside accompanying guest the person's income is also according to consume to keep books.Hear Ma Hua thus of pay a way, many females are excited all of a sudden.
As for joss-stick X night club why don't try to usurp the night club field income that outside accompanies the guest, mainly is also joss-stick guest's layer of the X night club is higher, don't want to sweep the cause of guest's face.
If really stipulated the field outside also wants a charge, that seem**similar, but this hasing some wasn't suitable for.
At one stem the girl round to hug under get into joss-stick X night club main assembly hall, easy Liu Deng Ren immediately became the attention object of guest, young lady in field, however round to hug at numerous young ladies under, easy certainly attends to not last others, also have no a necessity to take care of others to how see himself/herself.
"Ms. Ma, you come this time joss-stick the X night club visit, is also think at the Q square the night club set up highest pack service."
After sitting down, easy didn't make talk center.This not only because Ma Hua sends to all ten bottles of wine to young lady everybodies, also because easy left hand is a Ma Hua, right hand is a wonderful orchid of Su, having no girl will rob to beg for easy at this time of joyful.
Same management night club, but Ma Hua cope with from like way:"Have no, I was to have never come highest pack night club, so just make easy Liu Dai come to experience for a while."
"Ms. Ma why can keep shouting easy president name?Are you not only the friend's relations?"
"We aren't only friends, still classmate relation, before in the school although there were no too many association,also wasn't likely to use that kind of not well acquainted with form of address."
"Originally you are still classmates!Is true lucky!That easy president you graduate with Ms. Ma together?"
Is unexpectedly very quick and then became the girl's bombing object, easy didn't feel strange.After all the night club young lady is on the table mainly be regard various conversation as principle, from shallow go into deeply, from deep go to shallow, all see the guests thinking how to hold.
Just, easy and Ma Huas cope with here from such as, a table of guest in field but very surprised.
Kneaded to knead girl's breast in bosom, company 100 benefits said:"AYIL, that guest is who, why so many girls keep him company, and Su's mama also goes to battle in person."
"!He seems night club frequent caller, although I have never received,is what Su's mama receives in person each time.However the Su's mama red body goes to battle this to arrive to see for the first time, not do I go for company Ye?"
Can run a train in each night club young lady's mouth, although have never seen easy, from Su wonderful orchid and those girl attitude up, was accompanying AYIL of company 100 benefits to also guess**do not leave ten.
The relationship with easy of knowing China interest agency is still the enemy of non- friend, company 100 benefits certainly can't pass up the opportunity to understand easy.
Wait until AYIL from easy Liu Zhuo last time, confirmed to at the beginning predict, in company 100 benefit hearts but have a kind secretly the heart the pleased felling.
Unexpectedly easy unexpectedly with the joss-stick X night club and Q square the owners of the night club all relevant fasten, and say with the property of night club, but easily break, also easily find out to correspond easy nearby of place.
However, this matter of course not can from original at the joss-stick X night club and Q square the girl of the night club come to do, but must moreover look for person.
This kind of candidate to China interest agency to say to extremely have no lack of, and absolute loyalty.
Don't seem to be easy to early know a Rui Nai Ru identity, even if the Rui Nai Ru successfully beats into easy Liu Shen Ze,beats by dre studio hd, also isn't likely to acquire too many advantages and intelligence report.The woman whom only easy completely doesn't understand, so as to truely acquire worthy thing.[Bid=the back work properly 》]

Section 590 corresponds, 500(bottom)

Fragrant X night club not only have already provided the guest with the tea for carrying on speech exchanges with young lady, dance floor, also have already provided them with the place for carrying on body exchanges so, allow Ma Hua the fully enjoy is in the night club, easy arrived at luxurious reserved box together with the wonderful orchid of Ma Hua, Su in.
Although is nearby many Ma Hua, because of age compare Ma Hua Da Dun, the Su wonderful orchid the slightest doesn't think 3 people together pleasure is he or she to suffer a los.
Ma Hua's also seeming first time 3 people are together pleasurable, is more similarly curious big than fascination.
Early in the morning on the second day, easy drive Su the wonderful orchid awoke but don't see Ma Hua, hugged wonderful orchid breast of Su to make an effort 1:"Su's elder sister, and Ma Hua?She has already walked first."
"H'm, she says that she had a work to walk first."
Kissed for a while easy, the Su wonderful orchid rode easy body's way:"Easy assistant, since you are also so severe, don't taste our girl in the store, do they all say to like you very much!You have already had a liking for yesterday which girl?Or photograph inside of what person?"
Unexpectedly the Su wonderful orchid directly makes he or she pick a person, easy doesn't think a quilt as well Su the wonderful orchid thinks that he or she doesn't like the girl's appearance in store and says with a smile:"Next time!However take photograph again, you pick some shape okay, had better be that the D cup is above, have to ast least also have a C cup."
"Rush toward!"
Spraying to smile is a , the Su wonderful orchid knows that easy has already can'ted refuse, full face satisfied way:"You say what at least C cup!Our girl here has no C a cup to enter not."
"However, now a girl want to see you alone, you see want don't should she."
"See me alone, is this what is the row?"Make pure this is the real purpose of the wonderful orchid of Su, easy slightly feeling surprised way.
Shake, the Su wonderful orchid says:"I ain't greatly clear either, but she says that a guest expressed while finding out your identity yesterday very uncanny, asked you to want not to want to know.Inquisitive words, she waits you in another room."
"You think should I see her?"[ Bid= the back work properly 》 ]
"Although AYIL this person is some to desire for petty gains, isn't that like to make a fuss over minor things, past lane Xuan falsely of woman.If is me, I will listen to exactly is what person is interested in you.However she says Related articles:

