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The matching funds about one thousand two hundred hundred million ,the original plan was to start the construction of two years .If construction this year ,preliminary input will not be less than five hundred in a million .
We , relationresultCity Financehas three hundred billion ,the remaining part of it depends on your help . , relationresultLuanshould be heard ,startled, gosh ,that the mayor really dare to open one !Two hundred billion ,needless to say the province governor ,is the head office of the president, he would not dare to promise !relationresultMu ,Mu mayor ,you said let us g lend you two hundred billion ? , relationresultMu Guoxingsmiled and nodded ,thought ,and I know that you can ,me and you .
You this province governor according to the jurisdiction is the maximum of five million .More than that, maybe you can get to the office in ten billion ,that it .In addition to loans ,I think you can get something and I do trading .
relationresultYeah ,we only need two hundred billion !Does your bank to our city - so little money is difficult ?If you have difficulty ,I also don .Now the domestic several large enterprises to invest in this project ,two hundred million to them is not a big number .
, relationresultMu Guoxingabout but tough enough ,you can a $ two hundred bank ,relationresultIs not equal toa number of large enterprises to take not to come out .Do not think that is your bank money, now many of the rich is !You do not rely on bank deposits from lending ,earn the interest difference ?After all ,www.beats4monster.co.uk,you are a merchant ,you and other business people.
What two ?relationresultMu mayor ,you know ,now we are countries in the monetary contraction ,as such a large sum of money to want to say to me ,I am afraid ,I am afraid there also dare not answer ah !You see we are not a virtue in the sale ,I try my best to give you permission to number five billion loan ,you care to put Manley pawn line break .
, relationresultLuan president ,loan is a loan that is ,Manley pawning pawning things Manley ,two have no relevance ,how can we do the transaction ? , relationresultLuanshould be I felt completely hopeless : he was mayor ,even that face not to ?In that case ,I head to lead a report in Beijing ,concerned leader there accused you of abuses of power ,administrative law ,foreign investors ! , relationresultLuan president ,this is not I can not let go of his problems ,he did so crimes do things offensive to God and reason things ,if I let him off ,Jinshan City People , relationresultPeople werenot allowed .
Please understand !If you want to sue you ,that is your right ,tell me when ! , relationresultBy this time,both sides even already tore face .Luan to standing up for not shaking hands with Mu Guoxing ,complexion pale went out .
relationresultLooking at thetree should be back, Mu Guoxing heart can be ridiculous .Luan appropriate for this person can be said to be in a position ,master the country and people give it a little power ,dare so in a flagrant way to and exchange of interests ,to make his brother-in-law to escape legal sanction .
relationresultMu Guoxing alsoknow ,like Luan should be this kind of person ,you can climb so high position, behind him is certainly has some background ,maybe he is the capital which a political family representative .
Both sides now that is tore face ,that means and a political struggle is about to pull open heavy curtain .Do key problems ,is to let Li Qingshan put the case into an iron case ,evidence at hand is not afraid you can turn to heaven .
relationresultMu Guoxingcalled Li Qingshan : green ,hairy background characters just find me in the office ,the fight had pulled open heavy curtain .Now I do is to take this piece ,hair , relationresultThe caseinto the iron case ,all the evidence to withstand any test ,only in this way ,can we remain invincible .
, relationresultTelephone therecame out of the Li Qingshan firm voice : please rest assured that I must according to the mayor ,you are instructed to do ,put the case into an iron case ,is the emperor to him is not turned this case .
, relationresultFinance Bureaufile golden hill ,all districts and each ministries leaders a dare not neglect ,immediately ordered them to financial personnel, determined according to bureau of finance document execution ,three days house necessary and G lines of clear ,all funds are unified into X .
relationresultNow thedistance flowers add more sections with only 22 flower .Smile thank book greatly !!!relationresultThe 642nd chapter grandpa and grandson , relationresultThe initial gof the staff ,cash mountain city individual Bureau ,appoint ,do ,put in their business account to clear, also believe that there is no so-called only individual phenomenon .
But at the very next day feel bad ,one by one of the units ,is to clear the account .Although these branches or county line ,District line to do these work units ,please these units do not clear ,and promised a number of preferential terms ,but these units not budge, the Qing Qing households households as usual ,ask them why ,they say this is the city hall ,who also not dare not execution ,this command but and cadre assessment rewards and punishment regulations hook .
Petty officer hat and in between ,these units heads wisely choose the former .relationresultOn the third day,when the Jinshan City Finance Bureau to ask and they clear account, branch president but really panic .
Such a great God of wealth ,just flew away ,they this branch savings tasks can be how to do ah ?The task ,all employees bonuses from about ?relationresultThink about it,a Jin city last year there are hundreds of billion fiscal revenue ,mostly in G and turn to go, is on weekdays, both in their business has a great amount of money .
This suddenly and they clearly ,it is drained of their blood , relationresultSample.relationresultAbank depends on what ?The most important is to rely on depositors .The reason is very simple ,if pulled to a customer ten thousand yuan deposits, the deposit interest rate to five percent per annum paid to depositors ,and then to eight percent per annum loan interest loan to the user ,inside this interest income have a number? Of course ,he would leave in accordance with the provisions of the reserve .
Even so ,his profit is amazing .If the loss of hundreds of thousands of million deposit ?The loss is not a small number .relationresultGthis suddenly ,without any cause or reason for the loss of hundreds of million deposit ,if he doesn try so hard that strange .
G line immediately convened a governor ,devoted to the study of this problem .Will a few deputy governor analysis to find out why ,is golden hill city to take with them to clear the user specific reason to .
From the understanding of the situation, Jinshan City Hall cleaning door reason highfalutin ,said that it was in order to implement the central directive spirit ,strengthen the financial security and management, put an end to * * generation .
The reason that can sense where ,but the question is why only and G cleaning units .relationresultLine g ofthese leaders ,in addition to governor Luan should be understand this reason ,several other vice presidents have been left in the dark .
However ,Luan should be no , relationresultOn before her colleagues tell the real reason .If the other deputy governor know ,because his brother-in-law opened the Manley pawn to Jinshan City Hall to angered ,he did not take the Qing ,it could be in big trouble .
relationresultLuanare advised to know ,he is the vice president to which one is not fuel-efficient lights ,are in the look at fiercely as a tiger does stare at him the president throne .If they know the real reason ,these one hundred percent will use it make a fuss ,make every attempt will take him to step down . Related articles:

