
www.beats4monster.co.uk ncerns my this baby'

Chapter 477 in a couple of days you marry!
He finally prohibited to fully wait helplessly for the end.
A silvery ball that comes from a firm gram of clan of embeding is given by him to take out silently, worked well to make moves at any time space preparation.
That ties sword light gradual constringency, come from the strength on the sword light like continuous and never-failing sea water, imitate a Buddha endless endless similar, will he periphery of the districts all gave lock to die.
Long Yao is long the knife present in the right hand center of palm of hand and have no a silk hesitant, he right away Long Yao long the knife brandish and try to use Long Yao long the knife tie up that his/her own sword light to break open.Long Yao once the long knife row, the knife long grass explodes to shoot but, all fall to that sword light up.
Surprisingly, that sword light is like a cotton regiment, the knife long grass of Long Ya long knife top hurtled into sword light, walks into one part, be like drive Mian soft a certain strength to offsetted to block Nyu down.
Long Cheng grows the knife long grass of knife the conflict is in the sword light several bottom sons, the sudden stopped down, can not get into a very small amount any further.
"The boy don't take a lot of thinking, once the state breaks to ten square skies' territories, have no dint to hold inside the body will take place difference change, basically isn't what you can resist."From that sword light shadow of human figure, spread a voice of taunt.
The Ji vast sky suddenly feels some to acquaint with, this orotund oneself seems the where once listenned to, however cautiously wanted to come, but how also can not figure out the other party exactly is who.
In the so near distance, the breathing of that Human body seemed to be also to spread to overflow 1:00 and equally gave him 1 kind to acquaint with feeling difficult to expressly.
See that sword simply slowly approaching to slowly give° his body to cover with, his Long Yao grows the knife long grass of knife helpless, but get from firm gram the silvery ball of the clan don't dare to use in this time again"fear a meeting connect oneself harmed together.Such territory ground under, the his only at the thought of way would is to fall to he into great void dreamland.
This mind is in mind on starting to be suffused with, that great void dreamland naturally at his after death take shape, however, great void dreamland just 10% form, a sword light gleam at that great void dreamland in.The great void dreamland just presented, over there a sword light under, mirror generally broken up.
Want to drill the Ji vast sky that hides to force into the great void dreamland, once the facial expression change and quickly re- come together those the fragment of mirror sort that are broken up and give° the great void dreamland to in a twinkling heal.
This great void dreamland it may be said with his spirit soul the strenuous effort cast but become, once the world in the great void dreamland collapsed, his essence is similar will suffer wound, and the very difficult instauration comes over.
Like over there broken up the entrance that walk into great void dreamland, don't harm the world in the great void dreamland, otherwise, he this is about to don't already throw up blood a while.However give that sword light so one lane, he also canceled a mind that get into great void dreamland's dodge.
Is a ten square private in the sky, is than the those four concealed evil and firm gram of clan leaders even terrible existence, concealed evil**although is strong,be not good at the strength of growing the soul to make use of, as for firm gram clan, then exactly the opposite, the soul strength is matchless strong, **frail.Is an in spite of concealed evil clan to still keep tying a gram of clan, all having weakness can treat.However, but ten sky privates of square don't have these obvious weaknesses.
Ten square skies' territories of strong, everyone's in front very of well balanced, in spite of BE**of the scholastic attainment of a strength still a soul, all is make progress together, having no that one party will expose too big weakness of to come to this is also ten square the territory of the sky of strong, can under the ground survival that die star area is so a dangerous of reason!
On seeing great void dreamlands can not deliver a kind function, have so one Sha, Ji vast sky really want to give° the silvery ball of firm gram of clan to present come.
However, before he begin, he profoundly felt for a while,had no to realize to put~to deat to kill his breathing from that sword light.Seem, those sword lights want to pen him just just, but don't want to let he now doom.
Once he detect this, in the heart first is a loose, then and moreover an evil body in dollar bead in the sky communicated for a while, after realizing the breathing of evil body, he secretly lets go of heart.Have no Kui to move, stand where, the Ji vast sky secretly waits for,www.beats4monster.co.uk.
Led in a short while, a few swords only and finally cover with since then, but didn't touch his flesh, just will he a bit of at the side of body space to sell settle.See appearance, this ten sky privates of square had another purpose.
Think so, Ji vast sky's pouring is to save an idea that sees him to want to do what, have no hasty begin, also didn't give° evil body and dollar bead in the sky lane to come out.Finally, a few sword lights will his body the space of the surroundings targeted.Chi Chi!
The two bunches of strong light Shan appears, the space motion of a fieriness, suddenly spread beside from the body"bottom a moment, the Ji vast sky brain appeared one to faint.Soon after discover that oneself seemed to change position and got to another district.
Thou Dan and fierce hate a sky of 2 people be seized by the sword light beam and have already used all strength to try the stipulation of breaking through the sword light, but the detections are all useless.Sword light's end oneself disappears to be missing.
Wait until ancient Dan and fierce hate a sky of 2 people, discover oneself no longer after being subjected to stipulation of those sword lights, neglects one eye, peeped out at the same time frightened of feeling."What about vast sky?"Thou Dan facial expression agitatedly a change."Be only taken by that sword."Was fierce to hate a sky to deeply absorb an one breath, profoundly felt for a while, way:"Do not know what direction, but should not in the valley of Xuan Yuan!"
The thou Dan also secretly felt for a while, equally didn't discover some trace and hesitated for a while, thou Dan way:"Calculate, need not make effort in vain the idea sought, that person's sword light in have never the slightest of malice, seem have never sought our Xuan Yuan valley trouble of meaning."
"H'm, I didn't also feel malice, this guy affirmation didn't include a purpose."Was fierce to hate a sky to order to nod, for a while, way:"I always feel this person to acquaint with very much, but temporarily can not recall again.Even now.
A person in a hurry goes and stand to fierce hate sky and thou Dan of side in the body, full faces are all astonished facial expressions, this person is impressively easy Zong Zhu Yi Chi in the house who comes to the valley of Xuan Yuan, 0
These in the last years, the easy Kui usually comes to the valley of Xuan Yuan to exchange some materials of self - disciplines and seeks some acquaintances of the valley of Xuan Yuan to exchange some insights of self - disciplines.
Because the east Feng in the sky and the distance of of the valley of Xuan Yuan are very near, easy Chi, as long as being to close the border, the head quarter comes to the valley of Xuan Yuan foolish up and for a while, today easy Chi, exactly here."How?"The thou Dan oddly looking at easy Chi" asks a way:"Did you realize to order what?"Being strange is really oddness, really is him?Is impossible ……"easy Chi, continue mumbling low language, a shape that is confused by what affair to."Exactly is what happened?Do you feel who he is?"The thou Dan is a bit anxious, cannot help but asking a way.Is fierce to hate a sky also is to pull a long face, way:"Easy Zong Zhu what rubbish said.""The breathing of that Human body a little bit is like, is like us the Hong of the east Feng in the sky full Dun."The easy Kui hesitated in a short while, eventually the son said out.
In those early years Hong full Dun one sword ghost the devil king sent into the scene of space blind side and made his impression too deep, the easy Chi was after all lord in the house of easy house, usually again every day at east Feng in the sky up take a stroll, relatively acquaint with to the breathing of the Hong full Dun naturally.
He just was just communicating with others the insight of self-discipline, breathing suddenly felt full Dun of Hong, rush through to come over right away.Just, under those astonishing sword lights, he doesn't dare to close to, but in the distance has been seen at eye in."Is that ghost does the devil king send into the superior of space blind side?"The thou Dan asks a way.
The easy Chi nods, explanation way:"These in the last yearses he always all at our east self-discipline of Feng in the sky, only easily soft that bond maid usually speaks some words in the ∽ with him, you also know the Mi method of his self-discipline is a bit special, person also crazy crazy pain pain of ……" easy Chi, will there of circumstance said 1 time, full face of weird.
Was fierce to hate a sky to be just Leng for a while, right away way:"Should be this person, it is said that his self-discipline of profound meaning and very unusual, the Yao doesn't wake up forever, but once waking up, can be advanced to arrive ten square the territory of the sky!""Walk, that affirmation was him!"The thou Dan nods."I go to east Feng 1 in sky and see him exactly at not at east Feng in the sky."It is fierce to hate hurried way in a sky."I go together with you, how I say is also lord in the house of easy house, these in the last yearses aren't thin either to him, think to he is still that the meeting give my several cents face."Easy Ci, on one's own initiative volunteer to army."H'm, that put~to the trouble easy Zong Zhu."Is fierce to hate a sky don't decline as well.On 100 a hills out of the insides.
The sword only and slowly spreads to go, the Ji vast sky eyes release after imprisonment and open eyes to see toward the front.
A pair of big eyes of utter darknesses suddenly present in his view, this big eyes in full is curious, also have surprise and doubt for several cents, timid two cents.
Fiercely and hereafter shrinking one meter is far, the Ji vast sky concentrates a to hope, suddenly way:"Easy Nie!"
"That, Ji …… Ji eldest brother, how are you ……" is easily soft to also back several steps, face a red, at present didn't dare to see Ji vast sky, the ground of Qie Qie hereafter shrunk to shrink and shrunk to an out at elbow old man of before the body.
That old man is a pair of eyes absolute being light Yi Yi, make people don't dare orthoptic, although is out at elbow, the spirit is hale and hearty and give person's a kind of felling with extraordinary shape.Just saw this old man is one eye, the Ji vast sky then lost a track:"Is you?""Boy do you still remember me?"Hong the full Dun is inclined his one eye, the Hey Hey is strange to say with smile."How can don't remember."Ji vast sky heart a loose, alarmed say with smile:"In those early years if not that you a sword sent that ghost devil king into space blind side, how much effort did I point to uncertain want to discard."
"Hey Hey remembers good."Hong full Dun the mouth smiled Hao and up and down conjectured him in a short while, way:"You this boy's progressing to return is really quick, I remember that you seemed to only have in those early years seven of territory, this how long just, you incredibly have already fixed nine of territory, this speed ed was really astonisstillhing."You are old can also-remember that affair?"The Ji vast sky is speechless, heart way you should still be going crazy the period of going crazy the epilepsy at that time."Hum!"Seemed to see the viewpoint of Ji vast sky, Hong the full Dun is cold to hum a , way:"You does this boy think that I keep on aming always crazy?""Have no."The Ji vast sky Shan Shan stem smiled a , soon after way:"I know your affirming a dynasty can break to ten square skies' territories on the first, just don't thought of you will so quickly just."
"Is not quick."Hong full Dun suddenly on sighing, sob way:"I get into a gossip for sky of territory of time, your grandfather returns not through spread, just your boy don't know just, I expend the so big energy doesn't hesitate to make my own heart ambition off the trail and can enjoy a trip to in the extensive star area the absolute being soul so long, just Wu arrive true meaning come, I cost of idea and pay the price of is what you can imagine."
Hong full Dun this some kind of words say at will, but the Ji vast sky air is one Zheng, the half rings a way just:"You are old to return is really severe, can attain you this one step of person return be really not much, no wonder that you can break ten square the territory of the sky."
Heart ambition enchant, make oneself possibility several hundred years became one the old bedlamite that goes crazy a crazy pain pain be disgusted to cast off, just for breaking a fetter, get into the state that the heart umbrella longs for day and night.This kind of spirit that chisel incessantly, imitates a Buddha a while touch he, it arrived the feeling Wu in his heart some what."Boy, I this seeks you to come over, is have proper business to talk with you!"The Hong full Dun sees him faintly dejected, unbearable lightly cough 1.
Come back from the marvellous feeling Wu, the Ji vast sky smiled to smile and looking at him with great interest, way:"Are you old to seek me what is up?As long as is what boy can attain, see will once make moves to help me the share for dealing with a ghost devil king at you up, I still take pleasure in helping very much."
He this some kind of words speak, the easily soft face is reder, but the Mou son is suddenly bright to get up, secretly sees his one eye, has some expectation unclearly.
Hong full Dun satisfaction location nod"you this boy looking at to still at last make people easy on the eyes, you trust, and I seek you to have no a bad matter, on the contrary is a huge happy event!"
"Happy event?"The Ji vast sky enjoyed, ha ha say with smile:"What happy event?You are old to prepare to get into to die a star of area, intend that the realization that break oneself to ten square skies' territories speaks to let me listen to?If words like this, I thanked you first."
"The smelly boy thoughts of to pour the United States."Hong the full Dun look in the eyes is weird, hum a way:"Do not want to have a meteoric rise, only step by step come, so as to acquire feeling Wu in a certain time, the other people's feeling Wu to you without using, oneself only comprehends of thing, so as to help you to break a fetter!I even if is some feeling Wus, don't intend to tell you as well, because this will influence you to your nothing important advantage.""Ah, that I didn't know what good matter you seek me to have."The Ji vast sky pretends to disappointedly sigh a way.
"This is my granddaughter, you see how?"Hong full Dun w 8 on smiling, pointed to point easy Nie, Kua great way:"My this granddaughter not only the person is beautiful and good and wise, and heart bottom docile, on that east Feng in the sky the everyones all say well, I tell you, I bum in the world for several years, have never seen than the kinder wench of my this granddaughter, do you say?""Your granddaughter?"The Ji vast sky is startled, in distress situation way:"This isn't the easy Chi, of granddaughter?When become your granddaughter?"
"I just recognize!"Hong the full Dun is cold to hum a , way:"Easy Chi, only have in the heart of that idiot east Feng in the sky is 1 to want to break recently nine of territory, don't know the affair that concerns my this baby's granddaughter at 1:00, that from I this Ye generation-Lao."E, do you exactly want to do what?"The Ji vast sky guessed unclearly what, helplessly ask a way.
"Cheapness your boy!"On facing upward, Hong's full Dun's Ao however way:"My this granddaughter had a liking for you, I also felt conquer the world so greatly, also only you this boy just unwillingly go together with last my granddaughter, this affair settled so!In a couple of days you marry, I want to see in person!"
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