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Several, can transfer my target, the truth tells you, you are previous of words, I-not-mutually-letter!"
The Song that Zhang Zhe not cares a beam shrugs shoulders, heavily to once the chair depend and say:"The captain of Sen Ni since doesn't believe, that I also had nothing to say, I would remain mum from now on."
The Sen Ni Cu rises eyebrows and again and tightly stares at Zhang Zhe, very long, just sigh one to say:"Is all right, since you one mouthful yao's settling is to be indicated by person, is 1 time process integrity's giving an account of the affair, if not is empty the cave come to breeze, I probably can request castellan Rao you a small life!"
Hear this words, Zhang Zhe immediately shows unintentionally excited earth's surface feeling, the eyeful heat slices tightly to stare at Sen Ni and shiver of ask:"Can the captain of Sen Ni this words take seriously?If my honesty gives an account, can really stay a way out?"
The Sen Ni is put on an act of order, a face affirmatively says:"Trust, the my Israel army person's honor is guarantee, as long as what you say is fact, I will definitely be like castellan adult to ask for a favor for you!"
Zhang Zhe inwardly sneers at a , the soldier's honor?Ha, funny, also true not bashful go toward oneself face up gild!However, his answer is also positive rightness Zhang Zhe's appetite, after deep consideration, a viciously plant the Zang gradually takes shape in Zhang Zhe Nao, the corner of mouth gradually peeps out one smiling face of putting on, that smiling face is very deceitful also very cruel!
(Ya Jia Er is very important, have of the space will be a lot of, everyone not the important step is hasty, the behind will have many gao tides.)

Text 152 chapter schemings deeply sink!
Renew time:2010-5-232:44:40 chapter word numbers:8826

Had been waiting along while, also disappear Zhang Zhe to talk, the Sen Ni was some to is hasty, "Zhang Zhe, what are you making?Is so long still is dazing?Tell me quickly, the process of the affair is exactly what!"
Zhang Zhe is a bit dejected, beat ha ha say:"The chief culprit person opens mouth and also give the root the smoke to take out at least?"
The nostril of Sen Ni hums, dark scold this boy troublesome, give at the same time Zhang Zhe after death of the soldier nod to signal hint and sparked a cigarette for him.
Zhang Zhe deeply takes a suck at and allow the strong smoke hovers around in the lung, very long, just slowly vomit, then not and tightly and not and slowly say:"The captain of Sen Ni wants to know what, can directly ask now."
The Sen Ni tightly stares at his double eye, the smoke curls up under, Zhang Zhe Yi pair eyes are slightly some exhausted, look to no longer intend to play what pattern, tiny let go of heart, the Sen Ni asks:"You is who, why want to kill minister adult, does the minister adult have enemy with you?Or do you think that to get what things from he?Or his dead, and then give the advantage that you bring what kind?"
Zhang Zhe wrinkles up eyebrows and imitates a Buddha to recall to say:"I am a businessman, my father is also, three year agos my father receive one list business, is an edible oil that sends to Indonesia from China national fortune, regret of BE, my father suddenly fell sick, the businessman valued prestige most , he afraid after convalescing, will with there is some discrepancies in original time, for the sake of own prestige, he resolutely send his son, is also me, replace him to go out to sea, that is the first time I went out to sea and kept in mind similar to the all young men enthusiasm, and ten thousand imagining of areas in Caspian Seas, helpless, had never imagined on the sea surface medium that sort equanimity, that the sort was fine, be we tall ship China country waters in a little while of time, drive a group of pirates to stare at last, don't have an accident of, we held as a hostage ……"
Say here, Zhang Zhe stopped, he have already burned the cigarette butt of pi to throw away, again from the soldier's hand in once connected an integrity of, probably didn't take a rest for a night, Zhang Zhe's voice is a bit hoarse:"The person who holds for ransom us is a great cloth thunder young master, probably catch up his mood at the right moment, have never spared no one we, in addition to robbing boats and ships and goods to walk, unexpectedly we directly to put.Unfortunately, the goods was robbed at that time, I knew that that meant what, that would mean that I will become very poor with father to, certainly, there is also one pi foreign loan, probably stay to ours, only have to commit suicide an one way."
See the Sen Ni gather jing meeting absolute being, be completely taken by own story to go into to go in, Zhang Zhe is in mind a burst of to sneer at, dark after scolding a stupid goods, immediately after say:"I was tired of earthly life at that time, wanted to beg a dead to solve tuo, I haded no speech to face a father and haded no speech more to face those hope this business feeds of family.I jumped into nautical mile."
"Afterwards?"The Sen Ni stretched to stretch neck, obviously very interested in Zhang Zhe's relating, he also knows at the same time, the cloth thunder young master really leads sea in 3, and still pays to get many useful supplieses after being greatly added applause by the castellan and directly lifts to pull out.
"Afterwards?"Zhang Zhe's self-ridicule a smile:"Be like to develop in movie novel of similar, great of the cloth thunder young master conscience greatly hair, start to save from the sea I, and gave I a big pen money, let me good to keep on living!"
"Is this getting over?"The Sen Ni blinks eyes, not that certain of ask a way, he seems quilt this story attraction, also want to immediately after keep on listenning to.
"Certainly.Do you want to make me say what?Saying is some and cloth thunder young master not clear bargain?"Zhang Zhe Huai smiles to put forward some allusion, the captain of Sen Ni frightenning fiercely cringes.
Is layer after layer on striking table, the Sen Ni captain uprising scolds a way:"Bastard, lo what did you say?You this is transfering a topic, I doubt you to basically be playing me!"
Zhang Zhe turns over cold stare and right away throws a look in the eyes of idiocy to him:"Please, I respect of captain adult, you not the ability is from my words pleasing to listener what?"
The Sen Ni body form is one Zhan, seem to be suddenly drive Zhang Zhe Yi words point come to, pale of face ascend some indetermination of ask:"You are suggesting me, is this matter and cloth thunder young master relevant?!"
Zhang Zhe grows one breath, heavily order nod, this just gave him a good the look in the eyes of cleverness to you.
Unexpectedly this Sen Ni immediately responds mightiness,www.headphones-fashion.com, on kicking to open wood chair, make a color way:"Good you Zhang Zhe, incredibly thus evil, want to push the affair to the cloth thunder young master body, you think your words will I believe?I warn you, if dare openly challenge to me again, I definitely make you living not equal to dead!"
Zhang Zhe silently shakes a head:"The fact is what you can not cover up, I have the evidence proof my parlance, even if is Ya Jia Er in person, I also have the evidence to make him have to believe!"
"Not, bastard, you this is to plant Zang, you are framing up cloth thunder young master!"The Sen Ni seems to be very excited, the yao tooth stares Zhang Zhe to say:"You think with you how many milli-s groundless provoke, will I believe?Ha ha, is that you are stupid, still do you think that the other people are stupid?Perhaps Ya Jia Er's going up and downing nobody will believe this kind of absurd speech, cloth thunder why does the young master want to do so?What is the advantage that does so ?Ya Jia Er originally be belonged to his, he still want to dig one's own grave for oneself?Zhang Zhe, I tell you, you have already asked for Nu I, I will definitely make you living not equal to dead!Admire,Ha ha ha ha……"
If the Sen Ni laughs wildly, man completely didn't notice him nearby, sit at him nearby of is the sand Luo's general, he listenned to Sen Ni, very dissatisfied in the heart, does Ya Jia Er belong to cloth thunder?With what?Is Ya Jia Er's son with him?Ha, absolutely funny, this world everythings all pay attention to real strenght, you have the real strenght the other people to believe, even if the cloth thunder is castellan, and then has how many persons will take him?Have no resume, have no skill, indecisive, alcohol and women have no degree, be castellan with qualified this kind of person?At least, I sand Luo defy!
Luo of sand is layer after layer on striking table, keep Sen Ni from wanting to teach Zhang Zhe's impulse, sink a voice to ask:"Zhang Zhe, do you know what you is saying?With you before of a few words, I can immediately sentence to death you!"
"?"Zhang Zhe's in the mind a loose, dark sighed this guy to finally talk, also is really not easy!
Recovered excited center of earth feeling, Zhang Zhe quiet way:"Sentence to death me?You still need to a reason that kills me!"
Sand Luo presses to explore a light, make Zhang Zhe able to clearly see pure oneself, then force to see his double eye, sneer:"Give me a reason that doesn't kill you Related articles:

