
Facebook warship bridge call

Sail.Receive especially in addition to sending the circumstance that a reconnaissance plane probes straits in Tunisia, also by turn take off fighter jet implementation the air guard escort, make the airplane of Axis alliance not have detection and opportunity near the beautiful debarkation fleet.Make allied troops debarkation activity of don't realize for Axis alliance, promised landing operation suddenly sex.
On July 7, receive a rate to mix the allied troops debarkation that the fleet crosses straits in Tunisia with the last batch especially especially the fleet is again gone southward by north to drive, all warship ships of three wars according to schedule to plan to pass straits smoothly, arrive two sides of gathering Malta island in the waters on July 9.American solider at left, British army at right.The military operation of first stage didn't meet too great difficulty then basic completion.In the activity of second stage, the United States receiving to lead especially mixs a fleet especially to provide debarkation for the American solider's debarkation fleet to cover a support, while British navy's"invincible" number and"fearless" number aircraft carrier and 6 war row warshipses' etc. large battleship to cover to attackstone then fleeting is main to provide to cover a support for British army.
The winds and clouds that there is unpredictable on sky, July 9 day and night originally had already been calm several days of sea surface up, suddenly blew strong wind.A short moment the weather chops about, the strong breeze screams aloud, bad wave Tao sky.This excrescent weather that come all of a sudden gave the debarkation allied troops the troops to result in huge trouble.
"Report general, allied troops headquarters call."1:00 A.M. the 10th allows, the intelligence report officer wore Si lieutenant colonel to present a just- received telegram to receive to look over especially especially.
"Spread me to orderany, the whole fleetses immediately get into to fight to turn on duty status."Receive especially of taste in giving or getting an electric shock text sweep for a while, resolute and firm of flash across of noodles one silk arouse courageously, the infinite will to fight burns in the chest, the right hand is in the sky made an effort on flicking, descend reached to fight an on duty order.Face the weather sudden change, the moxa Sen Hao Wei Er full general of allied troops high command after deliberation, finally still decide regardless how again difficult all carry out landing operation on schedule.This telegram is exactly an allied troops commander-in-chief the subordinate reaches of the cc inside always offending of the battle order.
The order that always offends blows the horn of ringing the battle, this night destine is a sleepless night.The havings of the allied troops three war troopses go forward to the Sicily in succession, pike head the southern region that keep pointing Sicily.Implementation debarkation under bad weather, although is disadvantageous to allied troops, bad weather also the good character idea guarded a soldier to consequently relax a vigilance.Any military operations all match wits Dou brave on the gamble, plan establishment again good, will have surprised occurrence, the key is to participate in a person in which can because of snobbish lead, act according to circumstances.
Face to become nervous a breeze crest a bad wave, the United States having already at the sea encouraged to complete mixs fleet initiative to set out especially,Facebook, guides the debarkation fleet of the American solider who gathers in the west of the island of Ge Zuo and drives to the Sicily southwest coast.British warship also escorts a covering of fleet at it under, set out from southeast in Malta island, stand into to the southeast of the Sicily.More than 3,000s each kind of warship ship carries the United States 7 group soldiers and English 8 group soldiers and its material stepped on long journey.Include main battleship among them:Aircraft carrier 8(beautiful 6 Englishes 2), fight a row warship 6, the cruiser is 13, 63 destroyers.The large conveyance warship is 53(main carrying the heavy type of the army weapon), tank debarkation the warship is 114, infantry debarkation the warship is 228, gunfire support the landing barge is 16, shallow water tank debarkation the warship is 15(mainly carry can use in shallow water of the tank is the precursor of amphibious tank.), Mine sweeper 32, hunt a submarine 23, the large oil tanker is 6, the supply ship 12 etc.s, tugboat, torpedo patrol boat and other numerous small scaled vessels and assistance boats and ships are different a list in detail.
The debarkation fleet of allied troops multiplies by night view, also while silently driving in the wind waves, the air-borne troops of allied troops launched an attack first,google.It is an American solider to serve as what this umbrella decline to make a forced landing to battle a task the 82th parachute teacher and the English 1st to parachute teacher, 5400 government troopses take 366 conveyance machines and glider to set out from Tunisia and fly toward Sicily.Meanwhile the allied troops is in the Malta island, Pan second island and Tunisia in the Tai Lai everywhere of airport, successively take off 1000 near airplanes on dead hour, land a fleet to provide air cover for allied troops, again bomb beachhead battlefield in the Sicily littoral.(Because the strategy bombs the reason in Europe, allied troops six radicle airplanes at this time on night fight the technique ability of aspect have been more mature.)
Is an allied troops for the first time large-scale amphibious stereoscopic battle, regardless fight a method in the military tactics in battle in the cc, is still the use of new weapon, is all big miss to get married, first, this inevitably will appear each the military tactics problem that the soldier grows, and flood and field air force not ability very moderate of problem.
"General needs to take off a warship to carry machine match allied troops combat?"Aviation soldier staff officer William lieutenant colonel to receive to inquire especially.Around 2:30 A.M., carry the airplane of allied troops air-borne troops from receive to lead especially of mix in front of the fleet especially of the waters once flew, the path flies to the Sicily.
"Do not need to be so anxious, everyone drinks cup coffee first to lift."Received to lightly shake to shake head especially, corner of mouth a curved smiled to smile, to directed a few staff officers turning on duty in room to recruit to beckon with the hand in "invite gram city" number warship bridge, call everyone come to taste he or she to cook good coffee in person for a while.
"General I really admire you, when this fights, also have idea to make coffee,cnn, however the flavor is really quite good."The intelligence report officer wears Si the lieutenant colonel imitate a Buddha forever and also see not and deeply to this superior of oneself especially, picked up in command of table of up of a cup coffee drank an one mouthful to make reference to.
"This calls public all busy, I am only carefree."Receive is satisfaction very much to the coffee that spends greater half to cook out for hour especially, signal hint everyone to sit down, just and leisurely and carefreely make reference to" lets those need not war preparednesses in the fleet turn on duty of the personnels all have peace of mind a sleeping and informed under have no."
"Your order I have already kept on ordering."Wear Si lieutenant colonel to respond to especially.
"If I didn't estimate it's wrong, we will be fight to beat to ring behind the atest leisure troops, so have to let the government troopses well at ease go to bed."Took a look a few on duty staff officers noodles up don't understand of air, receive especially again to their Zhen coffee."Who all think to fight service neutral at this an achievement, historic stay who don't think.But the eminent contribution is limited, regardless is army, air force and navy to all want to develop his/her own the biggest function, the Sicily became allied troops the generals contend for robbing of a piece of cake."Receive especially simultaneously taste coffee, part to round and sit small and soft at the in command of staff officers at the side of tableses explanation."We aren't worthwhile to rob an achievement when the battle starts, the key time just makes moves, this just shows importance of mixing the fleet especially.If you think after the battle ends, can change one on the shoulder new soldier title, take it easy."Receive especially of a words, let the staff officers in be lost in thought, if have Wu.
"Like, now the it's my turn to go to bed."Tooking a look the watch of wrist is already 3:00 A.M., the first half night has been already led and receive to start especially the Fu Lang west Si colonel that sleeps in the in command of room to march a bed at the time call after coming to, oneself marches a bed in another one top and dress but sleep.Fight conductor for the sake of the convenience, receive especially and other severals mainly mix fleet military officer especially, didn't return to own berth rest and compromised to by turn sleep for a few hours in the in command of room.
While receiving to lie in marching a bed at the time especially, shutting eyes to fallen asleep, take the allied troops air-borne troops of transporting the machine and glider, the beginning carries out an umbrella to decline an activity in the Sicily sky.
Is a batch of air-borne troopses, the American solider's air-borne troops is the 82th parachutes the teacher general under charge of Li Qi Wei of 505 parachutist regiments and a camp of 504 regiments total 3400 people, take airplane to go to a hero to pull northeast 8 kilometers, for the United States crack troop"deep red one teacher" of 7 group soldiers loot the highland of beachhead opposite.British army the 1st parachutes teacher of a trip total 2000 people pull database Sa southwest 205 kilometer implementations to parachute in the tin and seize an important highway bridge.
This is the allied troops Be large-scale to parachute to battle for the first time in two wars, the personnel of three wars is regardless an airplane pilot or a soldier, whole is the new hand that hasn't taken part in combat.Parachute an activity to totally start out American c this time-47 airplanes are 331, England the Er compare Ma Er Si type the airplane is 35.Because the flight path is complicated, wind force too strong, plus an airplane pilot to have no experience, parachute activity pretty much ignore think.Near Related articles:

