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:"If want to fight, go out to compare to row."Once the strange old man listen to exultation and in front jump a hotel and beckon with the hand a way:"Quick come quick come."The beam Xiao is slow to come out a hotel, heart way:"I this body fighting skill mostly learn from the others, the oneself has no new idea.At present if want to break him:Endow with a form with the thing, can not have no mutually'.However have already broken current fighting skill, the another innovation recruits."
The strange old man sees him whetting Ceng, no longer bearing and throwing a fist a dozen.The beam Xiao hasn't figured out to lately recruit, the feeling hasty turns rounds and then walks, and the strange old man sees him not to fight but escape and have a fit in the heart.The his light achievement isn't an equal in the world, you a tight, rob beam Xiao after death, stretch hand and then grasp, the beam Xiao favour launches "the ten parties tread", the Shan arrives a strange old man body side, strange old man"Yi" a , once the tornado sort turn round and stretch hand again grasp.The beam Xiao sees him unexpectedly a mimicry oneself a footwork not, the astonishment in heart , on turning to read to suddenly understands an oneself at present all fighting skills, however has "the ten parties tread" to completely come from from create, no wonder this strange old man hard mimicry, at that moment is avoided being seen with"the ten parties tread".Strange old man rush can not successful, Qi the Nu call not unique.
2 people entwine temporarily, beam Xiao more the Dou more feel exhausting, feels this strange old man make moves of fast disease relentless, usually rare, avoid once he recruit a half type, must also use top with all strength.Time a long, then feel a whole body tired, suddenly the skill is one Zhi, eventually drive strange old man a point out to pour.The strange old man is greatly happy, force the beam Xiao export admit defeat, start to just give up and pull a beard to roar with laughter.
Although entwines several to recruit, beam Xiao but run out the dint of whole body, a heart will jump a chest general, at that moment the brothers counteracts and moves a part, violent breather, the eye hopes strange old man to dance and stamp, not from eyebrows big wrinkly:"The humality is a boxing afraid young and able-bodied.The young and able-bodied person makes moves quickly and malicious and is cannots compared with by old man.This is old advanced in age, how still have like this artistic skill?Raise hand to lift enough, all make people cannot compare with to turn to read."He deliberates not and deeply and shuts eyes to adjust an interest, didn't think Xie half day, the strange old man fascination rises again and forces him again to begin.
Although the beam Xiao has already thought one several record to lately recruit, can once beginning to all use no matter,Beats Solo HD, 30 could not recruit, be made again, pleased is this time to even if defeat, the move created all don't drive strange old man mimicry.
Is a night, 2 people respectively go to bed, the beam Xiao tosses around difficult sleep, the bitterness innovates to recruit, but he at present the fighting skill learned all for Wu Xue of the world first-rate, hereat outside create another brilliant strategy, talk easy, the beam Xiao bitterness thinks for a night, also figures out three Zhang method of recruitings, two recruit a leg method, and all spread a hand, don't become a set of road.Thought of at early dawn up, the another place just receives Long to sleep to go, didn't expect a hour doesn't arrive, again drive noisy come to.
Strange old man sleep already foot, spirit Yi Yi, three recruit two types and then force beam Xiao fold hands bunch feet, helpless under, the beam Xiao has to admit defeat,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com.Strange old man although good Dou, have an advantage, the beard opponent admits defeat, then attends to happy, no longer entwine.
Although the beam Xiao temporarily admits defeat,be also arisen by this old to love to excel of heart, certain absolute being, heart way:"I row a boxing to win, whole because of breaking rules.The urgent matter of the moment is the rules that broke this to fight, win the machine of breather."His vision turns place and sees a heap of disorderly stone, each one all has heavy several thousand catties.He gets a brainwave and starts to push piece of stone.
The strange old man sees the beam Xiao push piece of stone left heap of, right heap of, 708 fall, oddness in heart, lo a burst of, can not help hand Yang, rush up to ask beam Xiao to do what, but see a stuffy head of beam Xiao not to answer, he the straight-tempered Lu rise sleeves and help to push to roll a megalith.
The piece of stone is each to take seat while being different, the strange old man lifts up head one lo, but see beam Xiao a double the eye stare at oneself, air smile don't smile.Haven't asked words, see suddenly his body form one Shan, the shadow of human figure accompanies have no, strange old man not from get a shock, call way:"Boy,cheap dr dre beats, you how disappear."Calls while running, in a moment rounded 78 turn sons in the disorderly stone.
His fighting skill works properly to feel astonishing extremely and keep feeling beam Xiao then at left near, can regardless he is light achievement how get, it happened that could not catch his shadow.
Is flurried in the momentary heart, attends to run about wildly.
Rushed to touch big half of two-hour period around, the strange old man was angered to get up, the Duo foot Nu way:"Smelly boy, at enmity with you played hide-and-seek and rolled out quickly!"He pulls throat to bawl out a burst of, disappearing the person should, carry flustered and frustratedly, a bottom sits on the ground and pulls and drags a beard and pull Be getting more painful, bawl out 2, reply to again pull, greatly living stuffy air.
Originally the beam Xiao push megalith, in really become a stone.The strange old man is muddled, nature three not and deeply among them mysterious, although feel beam Xiao not and walk far, the surprisingly beam Xiao lends at present this disorderly stone to hide a body.The beam Xiao hides after stone at this time, the lo wears strange old man to grow crazy to make Dian, not from secretly funny, temporary calm mind, concentrate to imagine how begin with strange old man, how change to recruit, deliberate a burst of, suddenly once rounds a megalith, smiled hello way:"Master son."
The strange old man is long to disappear him, is becoming speechless, see suddenly beam Xiao to appear, pleasantly surprised, call a way:"Good boy sees you escaping where."He jumps up to approach and stretches hand and then grasps.The beam Xiao Shan body unloads to open to claw and shouts that the ground returned one Zhang.The strange old man didn't anticipate short time, the beam Xiao unexpectedly counter-attacked of the ability is really extremely pleased and roar with laughter and change the claw as Zhang, horizontal button up beam Xiao of arm.In a short instant, once 2 people enter a to back and dismantled to 20th, recruit, the beam Xiao sees to exhaust all tricks and suddenly is again one Shan the body and hides the bitterness in the person's stone to think a counterplan and keeps treating to have another brilliant strategy, the square appears again.
2 people broke continuous Dou half day, the strange old man thinks an impassability stone is peculiar, anti- drive the beam Xiao hold on one's own initiative, desire Dou then Dou, the desire walks to then walk and is free from him again to control.Until in night, beam Xiao just go to battle to strive for to meal, silently pass strange old man nearby.The strange old man livings to keep to read in the heart as time passes, affirm beam Xiao anyway always in the neighborhood, extremely didn't walk far, plus beam Xiao to come and go caution, he again the brains isn't pure to see meal, also not much thought, attends to greatly eat and finishes eating and then sleeps and waits until beam Xiao to appear, square again with of ratio Dou.
Is such and such, 2 people day and night get entangled in fighting.The beam Xiao with concentration gets rid of old learn, the another innovation recruits, Hun however forgot a body where.Beginning, he still the beard conceive very various sort variety and just dare to begin and arrive gradually can act according to circumstances afterwards, face to create to become to lately recruit.Strange old man occasionally although also ability once the mimicry recruit two to recruit, suffer from beam Xiao to change to recruit strange Qiao, 23 after recruiting, then difficult is after, this is old keep Zhao in all my life of victory or defeat, hate not ability world everyone fighting skill unique person's saint, be opponent so much, see beam Xiao to appear once each time, fighting skill then have aggressive, carry in the heart of happy not exert, time a long, concealed to beam Xiao body stone the matter of also no longer disputes and several times make he, also loathe to give up to stay in the middle of weighing and putting back his nearby, while anxiously hoping this young man to again appear again badly several cents.If the beam Xiao has no progress, he is on the contrary not in every possible way pleased, loudly drink to scold, have to hate iron not to become an idea of steel.
The time sways an eye to namely lead in Marchary, beam Xiao's sinking is immersed to Wu Xue and day and night put together Dou and go to utterly exhausted each time, although it is said didn't the hardships have in all my life, but slightly could lend this to mediate depressed in heart as well.Occasionally, he goes to battle to buy food and clothing and ambiguously knows, these day, the Shu offend to break Yang state, Tai state, Sung dies for country Li Ting Zhi with the body, Sung soldier is crack to this reply have no almost exhausted, but dollar northwest military in the court also become critical day by day, the Mongolia various king and suddenly necessarily strong dozen must turn over a sky to reply ground, Yuan Dynasty battalion in succession north return, Sung soldier cripple department opportunity to take advantage of this, at everyplace weigh to flap prestige, scheme to reply a country, can say world confusion, have no on the fifth it.The beam Xiao listens to in the ear and feel sick of into a pole, wants to learn by exchanging views with this background unidentified strange old man thus Wu Xue and finishes remaining years of life.
This day, 2 people dismantle 100 to recruit a top and bottom, the beam Xiao exactly lost a to recruit, on that day already the Dou is three, he is exhausted, cannot compare with to hide into a stone, and then a head of lies to pour and shouts pant.The strange old man mutually hands over a day with him long, each other became intimate with a lot and saw a form also not difficult from simultaneously bawling at to throw a fist and beat cook capability.
The beam Xiao breather a long time starts to just return to spirit, don't think mind one Xie, in the brain unexpectedly again brush past the horrifying warfares that experienced before.He not from get whole body shiver, shut a double eyes, make greatest efforts to press the Na mind, well easy lay aside those bicycle of gold Ges from the at heart, didn't expect the brain peeps out that white delicate round face again, a pair of consumedly of eyes, just loving hope oneself, full is a Qi however not idea of giving up.
In a flash, he feel tired of earthly life and turn an eye to hope to go, the strange old man dances and stamps, in high spirits Related articles:

