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Of the migratory tribe play turn round and round.Come up to see from this, Zhuo especially Ba Ba Tu Er on one's own initiative guide to arouse the way of doing that Hahn people take the offensive really don't lose to a best plan.
To the second Jie benefit rather jade vegetable just the parable become the parlance of rabbit, Zhuo especially Ba Ba Tu Er certainly is feel to is very enjoyable.Is quite good, jade vegetable just in his eyes be have been running the rabbit that will jump.For letting this rabbit attain the effect that he wants, Zhuo especially expect diagram Er even before facing and walking all have no toward the jade vegetable just the dictum is over own intention.Because want to want to once cheat an enemy, get first to once cheat an oneself person.Even if this and Zhuo misery be killed by Hahn people, that is unluckily also Hahn people.Because this will mean Mt. Heaven whole white mountain partieses will see Hahn people to don't forgivable enemy.But multiply by Hahn people be led by the one and other victory toward the big Mo deep place of at the same time, Zhuo especially Ba Ba Tu Er then can round to Hahn people of back to complete he receives Ka Er Ka Mongolia big industry.
Sudden, from the opposite river pool the clarion call that uploaded to come to a burst of tediousness.Zhuo especially Ba Ba Tu Er not from raised Jie benefit second rather dedicate to look about toward the opposite for his "a long distance eye".Needing person's horse of seeing soil Xie Tu Han is an onrushing crowd ground dynasty when he or she flowed out to it here his corner of mouth hanged up the smile of a silk contempt.But see he is had the single tube telescope in the hand, subsequently pulled out own machete, toward after death and equally being already also the whole quasi- officers and men of Ge Er that pack due-out, loudly roar a way:"The warriors of quasi- Ge Er, use your brave to the Ka Er Ka witness clear who is a steppe up the real brave!"
"Kill!Kill!Kill!"Momentary flap a sky of shouting and killing voice, wear the Si call of horse, and the artillery voice of Long Long, tore open the steppe of original equanimity.The jet black nitric smoke dashes forward that Zhan more blue must have no the blue sky of one silk minor faults.

151 Chas admire Er to ask for help China dynasty Li Ding Guo into arrive leaf Er Qiang

Hong Wu Ba Nian lunar calendar the beginning of March six, quasi- Ge Er sweat Zhuo especially Ba Ba Tu Er great victory soil Xie Tu Han stare blankly space river at the color.Beginning eight, the quasi- soldier makes track for shot to under the coulomb city.Have already had no dint to defend city of soil Xie Tu Han is helpless under leave all city more desert to rush into Cha to admire Er place.Together month 17 days, Russia soldier greatly breaks ground to thank diagram at the black virtuous black orchid of the north road battalion.The news spreads into Ka Er the Ka originally and still is hesitating Mongolia of Ka Er each department of Ka soon then abandonned soil Xie Tu Bu.Chechen and the match sound kas Er Ka, such as promise Yan and Sa gram diagram...etc. various department Zhe certainly mean one after another to expect diagram Er to concede defeat especially to the Zhuo at the Wei of quasi- battalion of Ge Er, and one the going to receive Zhuo Ba Ba Tu Er is especially big Ka Er Ka sweat.Go to this, quasi- Ge Er department influence from Western Regions haded been expanding till Mo north.Zhuo especially Ba Ba Tu Er became more at the same time and control Wei to pull especially four-part with Ka Er Ka the big khan of the various department.Momentary, the threatening force of quasi- department of Ge Er ascended again one step.
However at with minimum of the price succeed Ka Er the Ka Mongolia accept such as bag in behind, Zhuo especially Ba Ba Tu Er didn't now stop the step of headway.Along with the one and other victory arrival, now then of he already the dissatisfied foot become one square Ba lord.Complacent is Genghis Khan's descendant of he solemnly already unified Mongolia various department conduct and actions own target.Hence one after another unify Wei to pull especially Mongolia, Ka Er Ka Mongolia behind, Zhuo especially Ba Ba Tu Er was very quick and then pointed to own war knife Cha to admire Er Mongolia.Because in his eyes however supported by proof take is the Cha that Genghis Khan Di fastens to admire Er royal house, oneself just at last be worthy of the name of inherit orthodox tradition.
After it's whole to is slightly proper to rest, just was created the Zhuo of "the Ka Er Ka sweat" especially and expected diagram Er immediately and then with make track for shot soil Xie Tu Han for, called for Chechen and the match sound promise Yan the various department sent the soldier sent punitive expedition Cha with it together admire Er department.At the same year in May, restructure a new Zhuo Ba Ba Tu Er especially with rate from quasi- soldier and Ka Er Ka the various department is 50,000 battalions for constituting, soldier's dividing two roads will offend Cha admire Er.In addition Zhuo especially Ba Ba Tu Er still let out information to threaten the Russian soldier that oneself lends will to, in order to increase threatening force to combine to admire an Er department for Cha to bring pressure for himself.Proper Zhuo especially when the Er vehemence of Ba Ba Tu rob to go down south roaringly and all the way, the Cha admires an asking for help of Er department to believe also with 800 in added hasty speed to deliver Hong the hand of the martial impress in.
At this moment, hope to begin medium be stained with to have the war bulletin to is red to print, the mood of dew such as outside cloudy weather generally suppress but again sink in.From asked for help to believe up that almost entreated of tone to see, quasi- person of Ge Er manner isn't really small this time.Can let Sun Lou more ill at easely Zhuo then especially Ba Ba Tu Er at Mo north Mongolia brave performance.In reason, have already thrown to lose to admire in Western Regions airtight, quasi- department of Ge Er of Urumqi, Yi plough three towns originally should be being occupied in the aggression that defends the empire officer's soldier at the moment in.However fact but is a quasi- person of Ge Er to more originally take no cognizance empire at Mt. Heaven of military operation.On the contrary once rounded in multiple layers organizing a defence of the empire, routed Mo with the extremely sudden and swift power north Ba lord soil Xie Tu Bu.Such Dan color such means, even Sun Lou also not from ground to that Zhuo especially Ba Ba Tu Er produced one silk esteem.Have to feel deeply about thus beautiful long distance to rush a set of also only then the mongols can attain.However the exclamation returns exclamation, the enemy is finally an enemy.Is much less now Cha admire Er there have already delivered come to ask for help to believe.Again say Cha admire Er if true give Zhuo especially Ba Ba Tu Er annexed by force, that will mean quasi- person's point of a knife of Ge Er has already arrived at Central plains of belly up.Thought of here, Sun Lou right away matches to have to fold son and turn head to after death of the minister sons openings way:"Mo north Mongolia of affair, the everybody Qing house wants to all necessarily have been already heard.Now Cha admire the Er department also come to ask for help to believe to the imperial government hair.The everybody Qing house said oneself's viewpoint."
"Return to his majesty, the minister thinks this matter has no what good consideration of.The urgent matter of the moment imperial government should immediately send a soldier support Cha admire Er department, and adjust to gather Zhang Jia Kou, the same big troops and horses of line to together act.Because this war not only is the problem that the Cha admires Er department alive or dead, but also is a pass arrive the empire northwest common people's peace or chaos.This still invites his majesty clear example of history."A arrows step of Zhang Jia Yu comes forward to lead off to offer suggestion a way.Current circumstance to see, he before always solemnly has already become reality at the moment at the affair worrying.Even want to anticipate to mediumly come sooner than him, get more fierce.Fighting strength and aggression scope of obviously quasi- department of Ge Er have already outrun a soldier department previous estimate.
"Piece still book talks very BE.The minister also thinks that the imperial government should temporarily slow down in the battle of Western Regions, letting general Wu of Yi ploughing right away turning around a military advance section the cloth is many.Like this doing on the other hand can break off with hand Zhuo to expect the back route of diagram Er especially, can have already rounded the function that the Wei saves as well on the other hand and help Cha to admire an Er department to get away from a predicament thus."Chen Bang Yan follows to attach and way.In fact, after Li Ding Guo waited person to capture Yi plough, he has already started intending to use the political means was acted for military means to work out problem in Western Regions.Just due to the tough attitude of military authority, just hasn't been canning cash.Now then and Mongolia and suddenly so on being a son matter, the nature of prime minister Chen wants to lend this opportunity lets the imperial government choose to use political solution problem in Western Regions.
However, proper Chen Bang Yan with full intention thinks military authority when this will do to offer for sale a step, but Zhang Jia Yu repeatedly shakes head to negate a way:"His majesty, the minister thinks to can not also wait general Wu now person to adjust to leave Western Regions."
"Why!General piece, you just and not just at say imperial government with Mongolia is heavy?"Chen Bang Yan argues by reasoning of counter-question a way.
"Prime minister Chen, soldier department's really thinking should will particularly put now at Mongolia body up.But this doesn't mean the transfer west road battalion.Know to all, the our army just just took up Mt. Heaven with the south.Many tribes there are still placed in to hesitate to the imperial government in.Even if they are nominally having already meant to swear allegiance to the imperial government.But also hard promise these tribes can't because of have ulterior motives a stiring up of but the heart living again and again.Therefore, the soldier department thinks that the imperial government still should is Mt. Heaven establishing now large force with have the awe Mt. Heaven various department a function, should not easily carry on alteration to the region's organizing a defence.As for Mongolia here imperial government can another parties person's horse carry on organizing a defence.After all, the troops of my dynasty don't only have the the horses of 30,000 people of general Lee and general Wu."The town of Zhang Jia Yu settles a self-composed explanation way.
Face army the book still include the reason includes according to of analysis, prime minister Chen Bang Yan but wrinkled up eyebrows in the at heart.In his eyes, Zhang Jia Yu said so many in fact be at for giving to increase a soldier to seek reason just,beats by dre pro.Can Related articles:

