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Tahitian Noni Products:

There are forms of Tahitian Noni Juice There are 5 types of products:

1. Juice - This is the regular form of the juice, thus the physical and mental results are the same as all of the other kinds of juices.
2. 500 ml - Gives the same results as the other types of juices, but in this case there is more of it.
3. Kosher - Certified by the Orthodox Union under the kashruth supervision. You get the same results as you do in the Handi-Pack version.
4. Handi-Pack - supports your immune system, antioxidants, increase energy, cholesterol friendly, and greater physical performance.
5. n-core - is an antioxidant with black currant and other natural juices,beats by dre cheap.

Tahitian Noni International doesn't just promote juice. The company has various products for weight loss; such as, high protein drinks, 3-day cleanse pack, and calcium plus, just to name a few.

There is also drinks and beverages that address different issues. There are energy drinks, noni leaf teas, and drinks for weight loss.

The company also has products for personal care , vitamins & supplements, healthy treats, accessories ( like t-shirts, caps, and key chains), and lastly products that you can give as gifts.

Thus, Tahitian Noni is not just a juice company. It looks as if they have incorporated various other products.

Tahitian Noni Compensation Plan:

There are five ways to earn money.

1. Retail bonus: buy at wholesale, sell at retail, you keep the profits.
2 Personal Rebates: receive 20% rebates on orders above your monthly autoship minimum.
3. Fast Start Bonuses: enjoy weekly checks and an accelerated earning period when you sponsor new IPCs.
4. Unlevel Checks: Ensures residual income by maintaining your customer base.
5. Global Bonus Pool: benefit from growth all over the world by qualifying for global bonus pools. 8% of the company's global commissionable volume goes into these 3 pods.

In addition, you can earn trips, and more: cash your own company car, luxury vacations, cash from $500- $1,000,000 on top of what you receive from the compensation plan.

Tahitian Noni Distributors:

You first are recruited by a Tahitian noni distributor. This is the person who will help you through the sign-up process. The next thing you do is fill out an application. After completion of the application, your sponsor or mentor will contact a DOW (Distributed-Operated Warehouser). You will be asked by a DOW to pay a sign up fee. You will need to present a passport or a driver's license (depending on your country). You distributor ID# will appear on the reports of your sponsor within a couple of days after your info and forms have been submitted to the DOW.

What is a DOW: A DOW can assist in signing up new distributors. However, a DOW works independently from Tahitian Noni International (TNI), by setting up his or her own schedule without direct supervision from the company.

DOWs are under contract with TNI and if any violation is found, they can be terminated from TNI.

The duties of a DOW:

1. Sufficient space to store at least 60 cases of Tahitian noni juice in a clear, dry, animal and pest-free area that will not be exposed to excessive cold or contaminants.
2. Proficiency in reading and writing in English, adequacy in speaking.
3. An up-to-date computer with email and internet capabilities that will accommodate large attachments to email messages.
4. A fax machine or scanner.
5. A working knowledge of Microsoft word and Excel.
6. Organizational skills sufficient to maintain daily operations.
7. A clean record with the Tahitian Noni International Compliance Department


Yes, Tahitian Noni International does offer training. Below are a few of the trainings offered:

- Fast Start Camp: Basic 2 hour training session about the TNI company and the compensation plan to help you get on the road to success.

- Coral Camp: An advanced 8 hour training session that helps you focus on personally sponsoring more distributors and the eventual increase of monthly sales volume.

- Jade Camp: A targeted training (over a weekend) to help you grow beyond your initial group and help others also become successful and begin to transition to full time involvement in your noni business.

There are another forms of training; such as, Pearl Camp, Vision Retreat, and Diamond Pearl/Outrigger, but none of these, based on the summaries given, will help you build a business. What is needed are marketing skills so you can sell more products, make more long term customers, and make money.


Based on what I have read, I like what I see. The business model, products and compensation plan, as well as the rewards given are exceptional. What I don't like are the trainings. Much of the trainings offered are "old school" meaning start off by making a list of your family or friends. Talking to as many people as you can. The marketing essentially is about chasing after people and trying to market the products or the company, which is the wrong way of doing business.

I ask you, when a dentist or doctor opens up an office, do you see them chasing down people to show them what they have to offer? What about the owners of a car maintenance shop or the owner of a bakery? I say no and there is a reason for this. It turns people off. When they see you coming, they will turn and head the other way. For one thing, after you have run through your list of family and friends, then the people you turn to are strangers. Unless you are a good salesperson, most people are going to find it difficult to sell to strangers. I know I did and I was with this company for almost 4 years. Because you are a stranger to them, they see you as someone you is trying to get into their purse or wallet.

There is a better way and it is much less painful because you don't have to deal with so much rejection. There are marketing systems that will train you how to market your business, mostly using the computer.

Good training programs will not only teach you various ways to market your business and products on the internet, you will also be able to earn an income while learning how to build a business. This was new to me because when I did the offline marketing, I spent my own money and stayed broke most of the time. Essentially, what I am sharing with you here is that you still can be successful in Tahitian Noni, but if the trainings given are not enough, seek elsewhere for the right kind of training you want to do and then get involved. This is what I did. Don't give up. Most of the successful business people had one thing that kept them going and overcoming obstacles. They had a drive and this is what you need to have. Think about the reasons why you want a business and then make a decision on whether you are in until you make it because building a business is hard, and if you are not straight mentally, you will give up at the first few obstacles that come your way, and yes there will be many, but this is part of the learning curve and the life of an entrepreneur. Related articles:

